New shortcut in day of infamy
4 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

Found a really reliable angle to just strafe to the finish. Very cool find!

JtpG likes this
United States

I had an idea to potentially skip Pearl Harbor too, but I don't expect it to work. Pearl Harbor might take place on the same map as Day of Infamy (or maybe it's a different map that looks exactly the same). If it does, then maybe the trigger to end that mission is also present. The only problem is that you don't have enough time to strafe all the way to the part of the map Pearl Harbor ends on, so I can't test it. If you could find a way out of bounds from the inside of the boat, you wouldn't start the timer for defending the boat, so the mission wouldn't end before you get all the way to the part where Pearl Harbor ends.

Just an idea, though. It probably won't work but one can hope.

JtpG likes this
New York City, NY, USA

Sound groovy. It would be wild if it's the same map

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