Sets of Route Notes
Sets of Route Notes
Updated 1 year ago by Princess_Eev

Here's a set of Google Docs I've made, so that I can look at them during runs on my phone, and make sure I'm routing things properly (going to the right places, performing the right Buster menus, etc.) -- put differently, they're nice if you're forgetful about such details.

These notes generally are focused on broader routing concerns, and do not cover most rooms, tricks, or bosses in any great detail where necessary. These will therefore generally assume some familiarity with playing this game causally, and the standard strategies for Any% Normal & Any% Easy as needed. (Blue's tutorials cover these well.)

If you want, you can make a copy and edit it to your personal needs as necessary -- go to "File" then "Make a Copy".

Anyhow, the Google Docs I have:

I also have a set of notes for 100% Easy on PC, because of the differences the use of F9 can cause. I don't have individual notes for the other categories on PC (because once you're used to F9 on 100% and know when you can use it, it extrapolates very naturally to the other categories):

In a similar vein, the auto-aim on PC is a bit worse, so I feel it prudent to have a set of notes for PC to account for the slight routing differences. (It does not, however, cover F9 stuff.)

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