Rules for levels?
2 years ago
Bretagne, France

My questions are about sandwich items and the pages of the Book of Doom in levels leaderboard. If I run the second level and beyond in Any%, may I begin it with a save where I have more than three lives thanks to Sandwiches? In the same way, can I run the third level and beyond in Any% if I begin with a save where I collected all the pages of the Book of Doom in the previous levels?

DeathMaster001 likes this
Ontario, Canada

@Ises This question seems kind of redundant. But the answer to your question would be Yes. It would be allowed and be no different if you were to do a full Any% run for example.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Also here is a updated discord link btw till a mod adds it to the top of this game's src page:

Feel free to join it. It has almost all the scooby runners across every scooby game in it.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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Level: Bad Juju in the Bayou
Level: Weird Wild West
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