Any% Route (Detailed, August 2018)
Any% Route (Detailed, August 2018)
Updated 6 years ago by Migu

Pi'illo Blimport

???: ok jump, ok jump, dodge or avoid the bats, doesn’t save any time either way Quiz: No, Yes Gromba 1 fight: ok jump, excellent jump, ok jump until dead, dodge all attacks Gromba 2 fight: ok jump top until dead, counter all Get the 150 coins and 1-up deluxe from the minigame

Pi’illo Castle

Starlow’s tutorial prompt: No, No Get as many coins as possible from the minigame (end with at 214 at minimum) Gromba 3: Excellent top, Excellent middle, Ok bottom, Excellent bottom, counter all attacks, say No, No to Starlow’s prompt
Smoldergeist’s tutorial prompt: No, No Smoldergeist’s other tutorial prompt: No, No While the menu is open from Starlow teaching us about badges, go to gear and de-equip the Thin Wear from Mario and Luigi Smoldergeist: Excellent left, Excellent bottom, Excellent right, Excellent top, Excellent left, Excellent bottom, Excellent right, Excellent top, say no to Starlow’s tutorial prompt, counter the counterable attack and dodge the other ones Expert Challenges: Excellent Jump (2), Dodge 10 1 (22) → Expert Boots reward +40 coins (254) Mario level up: SPEED +4 (22 SPEED, 22 POW)

Dreamy Pi’illo Castle

Room with many doors: Go in second door with the symbol twice Dromba: Excellent jump the one it selects automatically Counter the most Excellent jump top-left, Counter 3 of them, get hit by the rest excellent jump bottom-right. Luigi level up: POW +4 (22 POW) Don’t bother getting the 50 coins If you messed up getting the pow +4 roll, equip Expert Boots to Luigi Dreamy Mario: Failed Jump on a fake one, go into easy mode, Excellent jump on one next to the real one +45 coins (299) Mario level up: POW +4 (27 POW) Luigi level up: POW +3 (26 POW)

Beneath Pi’illo Castle

First Pi’illo: To break the nightmare chunks, pull mario all the way down-right, then catch him on the far wall and launch at about this angle: RPJIUPCaTSHAS Second Pi’illo: Say No to Dreambert’s tutorial prompt After saving the Pi’illo, talk to him and say “I need help” Third Pi’illo: In the third room, get onto the middle platform and then drop to the one below it and activate the luiginary work from there After saving the next Pi’illo, talk to him and say “I need help”

Mushrise Park

Early Hammers Feather Skip Thorbs: Say No to Starlow, Excellent Hammer top twice Say No to Starlow, Great Hammer bottom twice Counter top, get hit by bottom Great Hammer bottom +12 coins (311) Attack Piece route: Attack Piece 2: Go down right and use the slingshroom, hammer it twice and collect the attack piece Attack Piece 3: Go up left and hammer the slingshroom and collect the attack piece Attack Piece 4: Go down, hammer the slingshroom twice and collect the attack piece Attack Piece 5: Take the south loading zone and then go down-right, hammer the right seesaw-shroom and then jump up and collect the attack piece Attack Piece 6: Go down-left towards the slingshroom, hammer it twice and collect the attack piece Attack Piece 7: Go right, Hammer the far right seesaw-shroom, then hammer the second to left one twice and jump up and collect the attack piece Attack Piece 8: Go up-right, hammer the left seesaw-shroom and then hammer the slingshroom twice and collect the attack piece Attack Piece 9: Go up, hammer the left seesaw-shroom, hammer the slingshroom three times, then after it launches you hammer the slingshroom once and collect the attack piece, then hammer the slingshroom, go up-right and take the loading zone Capnaps: Say no to Starlow M: 3D Red Shell bottom (9 hits, kill bottom and 2 damage to middle) L: Excellent Jump middle (6) (8 HP remaining) Counter the first attack only if it targets only Mario, get hit by it if it targets Luigi. Counter the second attack only if you got hit by the first attack. M: 3D Red Shell middle (9 hits if you did 0 counters, 8 hits if you did 1 counter) L: Excellent jump top (6) +15 coins (326) Mario level up: POW +4 (33)

Early Dozing Sands

Dozing Sands

Say No, No to the badge salesman Go south and get mole/mini mario Sandoon: Easy mode, counter, excellent jump top, excellent jump bottom, counter Expert Challenges: No Hitter 11 (44) +24 coins (350) Luigi level up: POW +2 (30) Do the Dozite Pi’illo until you gain the ability to collapse the Luiginoids, then leave the dream world Do the jump over the Sandoon if you want in the dozite Pi’illo Dozing Sands Skip Enter Dreamy Dozing Sands

Dreamy Dozing Sands

Do drills fast but not so fast that you fuck up Say No to Dreambert’s tutorial prompt Play Dream Team 50 coins in the first room with the constellation (400) 100 coins in the next room for safety (in case you miss excellent on drilldigger) In that one room, get the 100 coins (500) After talking to the Dream Stone’s Spirit after gaining Spring Jump and Ground Pound, hold right during the first Spring Jump so that you bonk Robo-Drilldigger: Excellent Jump, Excellent Hammer, Excellent Hammer, Excellent Hammer, Excellent Jump, Excellent Jump or Hammer depending on position, Excellent Finishing Bros, counter all +500 coins (1000)

Pre-Mount Pajamaja

When leaving Dozing Sands, buy the Virus and Master badges (-1000 coins) From now until Elite Trio, if you get an encounter, equip the Virus/Master badges before fleeing Make a safety save if you want before performing Reverse Early Dozing Sands, as getting an encounter as solo mini-mario without preemptively jumping on them will softlock, but the enemies are really easy to avoid Reverse Early Dozing Sands Go back through where you collected the attack pieces; taking the north lz triggers a cutscene that’s both long and softlocks as solo mario Hammer the rock leading up to the lookout to get Luigi back Go east, then south-east and perform Early Grobot Hammer the switch on the gate Get Mario out of mini, it’s faster if you do it yourself than have the cutscene do it for you Grobot Skip WtA Don’t bother getting Luigi back after WtA, just go west and head towards Wakeport Enter Wakeport Get the attack piece in the center house Leave Wakeport

Mount Pajamaja

Head to Mount Pajamaja Hammer the switch in the first room Use WtA to hammer the switch in the second room and then enter Mount Pajamaja Jump up to the top-right lz using WtA Get the Taunt Ball in the ? block In the Spin Jump room, collect the attack piece (#1) and then get spin jump Backtrack to the Mega Pi’illo, play until you get the Hover Spin, then backtrack and leave the dream world Take the pipe up to the peak of Mount Pajamaja Enter the left dream world, go until you get Hiking Boots, then backtrack to the dream portal and make a safety save Attack Piece route: Get Walk Through Walls while taking the middle-left loading zone Immediately use Spin Jump Go left, use Spin Jump and cancel it under the bridge to make Luigi gain height, then go up-left to collect the attack piece (#2) and then go back Take the upper-right loading zone upon returning to the main room, note that you have to go around the breakable rock Go up-right, then stack the bros. to lose height and take the loading zone Stack the bros. to get out of bounds and then traverse out of bounds to collect the attack piece (#3) Return to the main room and then take the south loading zone Go down-right while stacking the bros twice to lose height Collect the attack piece (#4) Go down-left and take the lz Go down-right and take the south lz Go left and stack the bros immediately before triggering the Side Drill cutscene After getting side drill take the south lz Stack the bros to get past the Mighty Gate and get out of bounds and then head to the lower-left loading zone while traversing out of bounds to avoid a cutscene Go up-left, stack the bros to get oob, unstack and stack to gain height and take the left lz Take the left lz, use side drill to gain height and collect the attack piece (#5) Get the silver statue in the M block Stack the bros to lose height and take the right lz Collect the attack piece (#6), use side drill to gain height and take the north lz Use side drill to gain height, go up-left towards the attack piece Stack the bros to gain height and collect the attack piece (#7) Stack the bros to lose height and go back and take the south lz Side drill oob, then stack to lose height and take the rightmost lz Take the upper-east lz Take the the lower-east lz Side to get oob and gain height, and take the north lz Go east and stack the bros to lose height and get the Taunt Ball in the ? block Then stack once you get closer to the east loading zone Stack to lose height, take the south lz Stack to lose height, take the east lz Stack to lose height, get the Taunt Ball in the M block, get the attack piece (#8) Side drill to gain height, stack when you get close to the west lz, take it Get oob and head west towards the attack piece, stack twice while oob to gain height, then get the attack piece (#9) Get oob, stack once while oob to gain height and take the west lz Stack to get oob, lose height above attack piece, get it (#10) have luigi fall off mountain Jump to lose height, talk to the shell hutch guy, sell the silver statue and then buy and equip Fighter Wear to both bros (+1000 coins, -840 coins, 160 remaining) Take the south lz Use side drill to lose height, take the south lz Use side drill to lose height, stack the bros using side drill and walk forward before side drilling again Take the south lz

Take the west lz Side drill to gain height, take the south lz Side drill to lose height, take the south lz Just keep going south until we reach the Early Dozing room, stack with drill to get past the gate and then use drill for optimal movement strats Enter Driftwood Shore

Driftwood Shore

Side drill to lose height, take south lz Stack the bros to get past the guards, then use side drill to gain height while heading towards the east lz and stack to take the lz Side drill to lose height, stack and then unstack, then stack to get oob and take the lz into Broque Madame’s shop Side drill to gain height and take the north lz After the cutscene you can make a safety save if you want Leave the shop and get walk through walls on both bros During the pause required for this, equip the Hiking Boots on Mario Take the west lz Lose height, west lz Hit the switch, south lz Hit the switch, break one of the boulders, east lz Break one of the boulders, walk to square stones to activate cutscene, enter dream world Talk to Seadric, leave dream world The order for collecting dream eggs doesn’t matter South-east lz Enter dream world After entering the pipe, activate the constellation and go back into the pipe to bring the constellation back Dream egg 1, west lz West lz North lz Enter dream world, dream egg 2, south lz South-west lz Enter dream world, dream egg 3, east lz East lz Enter dream world

Dreamy Driftwood Shore

Give first dream egg Give 2nd dream egg Give 3rd dream egg Get POW Scarf Elite Trio Fail jump on Paraplonk Get into easy mode If not already equipped, equip the Virus/Master badges Excellent jump on Paraplonk (118) If the cannon is loaded, excellent jump on cannon, otherwise excellent jump on Paraplonk Once you’ve attacked Paraplonk twice, switch to jumping on Sergeant Guy when the cannon isn’t loaded Make sure to jump on Private Goomp during the chase attack if all three have low enough HP to be killed by it +at least 505 coins (665) Mario LV 5-7: POW +2 (44 POW) M Shell Rank: POW Up+ M LV 8: BP +4 (19 BP, 47 POW) (wheel is 3344334444554455) M LV 9-10: POW +2 (57 POW, 21 BP) Luigi LV 5-7: POW +2 (40 POW) L Shell Rank: POW Up+ L LV 8-9: POW +2 (49 POW) Pipe on the right ! block, Buy Glass Boots and equip them on Luigi, blue pipe (-640 coins, 25 remaining) Leave Dream World

Get Driftwood WtW again, west lz Lose height, north lz Gain height, east lz

North lz West lz West lz North lz North lz East lz North lz Head to Wakeport


Talk to costumed guy for attack piece #2 Lose height, south lz Gain height with spin for attack piece #3 on roof Lose height, talk to Hoo for attack piece #4 Attack piece #5 on dock area Lose height, south lz Avoid cutscene that takes WtW Gain height with spin for attack piece #6 Lose height, north-west lz Enter Kylie’s house, cutscene Walk to right underneath the attack piece block Gain height with spin twice, attack piece #7 Lose height, leave Kylie’s house North lz Gain height with spin to get attack piece #8 on the left Go right and avoid the Popple cutscene trigger by going north of it Gain height with spin to get attack piece #9 Lose height, attack piece #10 Lose height, leave Wakeport

East lz, east lz, north lz, east lz, hammer the switch, east lz, gain height, enter Somnom Woods

Somnom Woods

East lz Bedsmith cutscene (you can skip it but have to watch it later), east lz Hit the ! block, east lz Short Nommon cutscene (again you can skip it but have to watch it later), east lz North-west lz ! block, gain height, avoid Nommon cutscene, jump into elevator Somnom Tracks Skip, north lz Get Snare Wear, equip Snare Wear to Luigi, elevator Pi’illodium (1673 HP) Get into easy mode All excellent hits, you can substitute in a few greats but you have to count damage carefully L: Dropchopper (213) (1460) M: Taunt ball on a Pi’illoid L: Drop (213) (1247) M: Bye-bye Cannon (228) (1019) L: Syrup on Luigi M: BBC (228) (791) Pi’illodium heals (120) (911) Use Virus/Master badge effect (or earlier if you can) L: Drop (304) (607) M: BBC (324) (283) Pi’illodium enters self-destruct phase L: Jump (76) (211) M: jump (114) (97) L: Jump (76) (21) If not already dead from counters or lucky hits, L jump Expert Challenges: Bros. Attack 4, Bros. Attack 5 (35) +600 coins (625) M LV 11-13: POW +2 (74 POW) L LV 10-13: POW +2 (70 POW)

Dreamy Somnom Woods

Cutscene Go left, pipe Follow the coins, pipe Left, up, right, right pipe, right pipe, right ! block, right Highest lz (don’t collect red coins) Down, pipe, ! block, left, pipe, left, up, left Spin across to lowest lz on the left ! block, pipe, left pipe, up, pipe Collect as many of the coins as you can (have at least 1040 before Zeekeeper) Pipe, right, cutscene, right, up, left (150 more coins here)

Zeekeeper Dodge Counter Excellent Drill Stomp Excellent Jump Dodge/Counter Excellent Drill Stomp Excellent Jump If you got all excellents and countered nearly everything, OK Finishing Bros now. Otherwise, dodge/counter some more first. +960 coins (2000) Energy Wear (aka Boost Wear)

Reverse Somnom Tracks Skip Somnom Escape

Go to Pi’illo Castle Collection Room

Dream's Deep

Learn Hookshot and leave

Talk to Zeekeeper

Neo Bowser's Castle

Neo Bowser’s Castle Skip Flame Cutscene Equip Energy Wear (aka Boost Wear) to Mario (this can be done anytime between Zeekeeper and Bowser’s Dream) Flame Skip

Dreamy Neo Bowser's Castle

Get Walk through Air/Objects from the flame

Giant Bowser Excellent Hammer Uppercut Counter Excellent Hammer Uppercut Counter Excellent Jump Counter/Dodge Everything Excellent Hammer Uppercut Counter/Dodge Everything Repel the shell OK Finishing Bros Counter Star Driver +1600 coins (3600) Buy and equip Crystal Boots to Luigi, Crystal Hammer to Mario. Buy an extra Crystal Boots and don’t equip it. If you can afford it, buy and equip another Crystal Hammer to Luigi.

Final Bosses

Antasma: Easy Mode Get hit into nightmare to charge badges, badge, excellent jumps, badge again when badge wears off, make sure you have a badge charge remaining for dreamy bowser M LV 14-15: POW +2 (86 POW) M Flower Rank: Gear Slot +1 M LV 16-17: POW +2 (98 POW) L LV 14-15: POW +2 (81 POW) L Flower Rank: Iron Body (can really be anything, this is probably most useful) L LV 16-17: POW +2 (92 POW) If Luigi’s Crystal Boots broke, get Gear Slot +1 for Luigi to make the upcoming menu quicker Equip POW Scarf and Snare Wear on Mario (switches with Luigi) If Crystal Boots broke, instead: equip spare Crystal Boots, POW Scarf, and Energy Wear on Luigi (switches with Mario)

Dreamy Bowser: Get into easy mode M: Bye-bye Cannon Right Arm L: Dropchopper Dreamy Bowser Use badge M: Bye-bye Cannon Dreamy Bowser L: Dropchopper Dreamy Bowser

Escape Castle


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