i may or may not of found two skips so world record is mine once i get them down
I probably know the skips already. Anyway, just flexing on knowing skips but not sharing them, doesn't really helps anyone.
fair enough but ill be posting a run with them in it soon. plus i usually share this kinda stuff through discord. will you be making one
We already have a Discord of all the NoaDev games. Click on the Discord icon at the top of the leaderboard to join. We are always happy to have new runners!
grntsz and Oh_my_gourdness like this
Update: Practice mode
Inspired by the latest NoaDev game, Mini Sticky, a new "practice mode" has been added to my version of the game ( ).
When you finish a level, the game will be paused automatically and show you the final time of that level. From there, you can press "r"
Recent runs
Level: 23
Level: 19
Level: 14
Level: 13
Level: 12
5 replies