Rules have been elaborated.
Companion app has been added as a variable. Runs without use of the companion app are now default. Runs using the app can be compared with the current boards through the filter tab.
Stealth, No Kills was added to both full game and individual levels.
Full Game runs are now categorized by Any%, Stealth, No Kills, and 100%. Sub categories New Game and New Game + have been added to better organize the boards.
Individual Levels are now categorized by Any% and Stealth, No Kills. Sub categories have been added to better organize the boards.
Thank you for the update!
The run by Aarowthered also uses the companion app, however isn't listed as such. Was that an oversight?
Recent runs
Level: Ground Zeroes
Level: Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements
Level: Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements
Level: Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements
Level: Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements