Minor Leaderboard Changes (11/26/23)
1 year ago
Minnesota, USA
  • Updated "RTA Courses" category to "Individual Courses (RTA)" to better define the category—it remains under Full Game to mirror a full game of an individual course timed externally. Score/time attack (internal counters/times) on courses will remain under Levels.

  • Updated Mt. Snow category RTA timing start, as per below. Both runs on the leaderboard have been retimed to reflect this change.

——You can use a completed save file to attempt this category, just walk back over to the gate and follow the RTA timing below. You can also use a file that is still "gold badge" meaning your progress was saved without beating the Snow King (i.e., if you reset during an attempt)—in this case, you will be put right outside the gate on starting your save.

RTA Timing (NOTE—Updated 11/26/2023):

  • Timing starts on the input for selecting "Yes" on the pop-up that says "Are You Ready?" at the talking gate to Mt. Snow.
  • Timing ends on the ball going into the hole on Mt. Snow hole 9.
Edited by the author 1 year ago
Game stats
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$1100 Cumulative All Courses WR Bounties [ended]

Note: this bounty has ended as of 5/7/22 due to overall lack of activity. Congratulations to ddeeffgg for winning the No DLC WR bounty!! Bounty has been paid out :) Should activity for this speedrunning community rise in the future, I may reopen it for DLC courses!

Hi friends,

It breaks my

2 years ago