Expanding Death%
11 months ago
New Jersey, USA

Can we expand Death% to have a section for each character in the VR Missions?

Death% Raiden

Death% Raiden (Ninja)

Death% Snake

Death% Pliskin


i think it will generate more runs since it casts a wider range

Ohio, USA

I would possibly be open to it. However I'd like to see runs done first before I make such categories. So if you want to do the runs and have them ready to submit I can then make categories.

Before this gets out of hand though, I probably wouldn't expand it beyond this.

New Jersey, USA

Even if its just MGS1 Snake and Raiden as 2 categories, since they are ran differently, i'll test out some stuff when i get home

Ohio, USA

I'll review these in the next day or so. Now that I am thinking about it, It might make more sense on the VR CE board instead for these. We'll see.

TuckNeal likes this
Florida, USA

Not the death% grind part 2

TuckNeal likes this

I'm fine with this. Could go even further if people wanted to, like Death% Main Game, Death% Boss Survival, etc LOL

TuckNeal likes this
Florida, USA

Does sound like a interesting idea tho, I'm down for it

TuckNeal likes this
Ohio, USA

Fuck no lol

Rhode Island, USA

Let's just delete the category. Problem solved lol

Florida, USA

Real, Took a while for the pb i got now lol.


All good as long as people actually post runs, although I do love me a good meme run.

TuckNeal likes this
Ohio, USA


Added to the VR2 CE boards for each character. I left the rules alone for regular Death% here/in HD so you can use VR here too. Hopefully this should satisfy cravings for now.

Ohio, USA

Here's a question about the VR CE Death%. IGT or RTA since those would be in VR only? IGT would open up pause buffering strategies. Or leave as is RTA?

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Posted 11 months ago
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