New runner looking for help
7 years ago

I'm just starting to learn this game and I was wandering if there are any up to date any% warpless tutorials or if anyone has any tips.Thanks

8butt likes this
Massachusetts, USA

For a beginner, I think the 2-boss guide is a good place to start. I also think the bridge skip is pretty self-explanatory if you watch a couple other runs. If you're talking Kraid first strats, however, I'd definitely love if someone posted a guide, especially for those wraps.

TNMYcFan182 likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

I agree, 2-boss is definitely a good place to start and Yogi's tutorial is very good. It's how I learned to play 2-boss and is honestly my favorite thing to run at least atm since I'm trying to improve the times for 2-boss. As of right now MetroidMcFly is currently the only one who really knows how to do Kraid iceless and is actively running that route that I've seen. I'm not on twitch much so I could be wrong. I won't lie to you though Metroid isn't easy for sure. I'm 73 and a half hours in after a few months and over 1000 attemps and I've still only finished four runs of the game. It's fun but frustrating. I can't say much for other categories yet.

Massachusetts, USA

I think there's some 2-boss strategies with some e-tanks that makes it not too bad (and I don't consider myself good by any means). 0garrison is also doing Kraid iceless. I wouldn't be surprised if we see theTycoon learn it either cos McFly mentioned that he spoke a lot with tycoon when learning the strat. If I can get my hands on a guide, I'll def be giving it a go.

TNMYcFan182 likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

Actually this makes me happy to see people are finally trying to really improve this game and all the categories. I really really hope someone makes a guide for Kraid Iceless because I as well would love to learn it. Specially since as of typing this the route I was running for 2-boss is completely obsolete now haha.

Pennsylvania, USA

@MetroidMcFly Dude you are awesome haha! I'm excited to learn!


is there a discord text/chat?

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