GettingUp Load Removal
7 years ago

So i've just added a Loading Time Removal functionality on livesplit. You can now compare against game time for time without loads.

I found a better address for more accurate checking on when the game is loading. Note that the pausing frame is a couple black frames before showing the loading screen and the resuming frame is the last one showing the loading screen and not the one after that. I'll try to make it more useful for ILs.

I would love to include an autosplitter too, but as i previously said, the game makes it hard to find some reliable addresses that have static pointers to them. If anyone wants to help and find some addresses, i'll be glad help as much as i can.

The script is by no means perfect and i would be glad to fix any errors or add any extra functionality on it.

Script's source code for anyone interested:

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Czech Republic


I've already made an autosplitter and shared it with Robotic.

It's not perfect and probably never will be, but feel free to edit it as you see fit.


I just checked this thread and saw your post. The method i found to split is the same. The thing with the strings is that, they have pointers at them. That's why you found different values to the same addresses, they change in each level load and will have a random amount of states changed.

  • Here a post trying to explain a bit more on what's going on. I need some help to figure out how to make addresses work for any directory the game is stored.

Thanks for the script i'll combine mine with yours and push to the github when i've got it fully working.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Okay it's up now and working, i haven't tested all the levels, especially the one where you need to exit after the reload. But most of them should work. The only thing i can't figure out is how to make the addresses independent from the game's directory path. For now the path should have 5 spaces (e.x. "C:\Getting Up - Contents Under Pressure_bin\GettingUp.exe").


I have updated the autosplitter, it should work fine now.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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Posted 7 years ago
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