Potato% category
3 years ago

I suggest to add a category in which the runner must create a superflat world with structures on and get a stack of potatoes as fast as possible.

United Kingdom

guys I got an amazing idea how about sex% where you try to get two villagers to make a child!11!!1!11!!!11!!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Czech Republic

pls add stand on end portal%


This basically enter end%.

Basque Country

i know you said it ironicaly, but even your sex% is a good idea in comparation XD

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1.19 Categories + Cover Me In Debris

Split select categories affected by the 1.19 update:

• Added 1.19 split to All Advancements. • Added 1.19+ split to How Did We Get Here? • Added 1.19+ split to All Wood Logs. • Added 1.19+ split to Kill All Bosses: ‣ Kill the Ender Dragon, a Wither, an Elder Guardian, and a Ward

2 years ago