New runner here!!!
4 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Hello everyone! I have some questions about running this game. Specifically on a random seed. When searching for a good seed to run on, what do you look for? Ive only attempted to run a seed when i see a village not far from spawn. Is it worth only doing this? If you also have any key tips, please do share. Id appreciate it very much! Have a good day! :)


As a random seed runner. I usually go for flat areas like plains, deserts or savannahs and ill look around for 2 minutes for a village and If i dont find one I reset. The best spawn u could have is a village and lava pool in view because you could get to the nether really fast. Deep lava ravines and ruined portal with plenty of lava could work too


As A random speed runner I look for a village look around go to a tall lace if not there don't really look for one unless in a spruce cause overpowered villages.

He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

I look for things like villages near spawn then get the golem and stuff then look for a lava pool or desert because lava is pretty common in deserts and because the desert temple has loot you should always look around your surroundings and look for any structures like villages,ruined portals,desert temples and etc and when in the nether I go north or south as those directions are the most common to find nether fortess' (I think).

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Connecticut, USA

I usually spawn into the world, and I will only continue is there is a village in sight. I would kill the golem, make a bucket, and get all of the basic stone tools. Grab hay for good food and set off to find a lava pool. Ravines and surface pools are good, but you may have to go into a cave to find one, which is risky if the cave is just a dead end. Once you make it to the nether (5-8 minutes is an ideal time) you need to hope that you have a fortress and a bastion, so look out for those. If you are underground and spot a stronghold, make sure to keep note of that. There is so much you need to a random seed speedrun, so make sure to capitalize on the really good seeds, as I only found about 2 god seeds out of 550 searched. So much more I could share but don't want to make a super long reply. Contact me if you need.

São Paulo, Brazil
Deleted by the author

Just find a village get all stone tools kill ig make bucket and flint and steel after you get flint if you have 5 make a shield look for a lava pool make a nether portal go nether find fortress open the chests to get goal and mine some of the nether gold after you get rods trade with piglins to get pearls make eyes of ender throw it follow it until you find a village tradee wheat with a farmer get Em's trade with a Fletcher kill cats get string make a bow go ahead of the village throw an eye if it goes back go to the middle of the village and mine down you should find the stronghold or continue until you find a village and repeat going ahead and throw an eye and what I said about the village and stronghold until you find the village where the eye goes back

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New proof rules for top level runs

Hello Runners.

We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.

After completing a Top Run (Top 5 Main Category/1st ILs), you must exit the world and go to the main menu.

For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.

For Ps4/Ps5, this rule

6 months ago