1.19+ Obtain all discs
2 years ago
Minnesota, USA

There needs to be a new 1.19+ all discs category since they added the new disc

Jux_LuxYT likes this
Minnesota, USA

Please add I want to run

Ayr, Scotland
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
2 years ago

why do you need it to be added to run it? like actually wondering why

United States

but it doesn't needed to be added for him to be able to run the category

Dragoblu and The_bradinator like this
United Kingdom

Everyone always says that u don't have to have it as a category to run it, but then what's the the point of this entire fucking website?

Jux_LuxYT and CyanWes like this
Ohio, USA

Well you should probably run a category first before it’s added to see if it’s worthwhile to add to the leaderboard

Dragoblu and Hashbrown1806 like this
United States

but it doesnt have to be a category for you to run it, its up to mods if the cat gets added or not

also a lot of people do unofficial runs not on the leaderboards, like happy%

dont have a website stop u from running a cat dumbass

United States

@D2agon yeah that will work, just ask, they are 100% gonna add the cat instantly.

1st off mods are hardly even active 2nd doing 1.19 all discs would be absolute pain

United States

yeah, 1.19 all discs would be incredibly rng in rsg, even if it was added on the leaderboards it would probably hardly have any runs submitted to it, thats why there is no point in all discs, and if u wanna run it, go for it, it doesn't have to be on the leaderboards for u to run it

He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Guys, let's think about this logically. What's the chance the mods even see this thread?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, Oh_my_gourdness and 2 others like this
United States

exactly, threads are so pipega

United States

Peppa pig oink oink

Hashbrown1806 likes this
California, USA

We need both 1.18 and 1.19 all discs because it is cool and i have wanted them for a while plz @MODS

X31X39 and Hashbrown1806 like this
Texas, USA

Adding categories are up to mods to decide whether they are worthy of being a new addition to a leaderboard. It's either best that you present your idea of a new category instead of making a forum post begging for a new one because you want to run it. If they reject the idea, you can do runs of it. No one is gonna stop you from doing so.

United Kingdom

These threads are dumb now, we won't get a new category even if our life depends on it


Orcaboia basta fare sti thread manco ftl è così nabbo e mongospastictardato😭mi fate venire volja di kilare qualc1 ogni volta che li lego

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Hello Runners.

We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.

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For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.

For Ps4/Ps5, this rule

7 months ago