Ok so most of the mcbe players know that I tried to submit a pc run to console and got banned for it.Now I know I did was something fuck up i was really just in a messed up time had family passing away left and right and kinda wanted to quit speedrunning bedrock for awhile and move on with different stuff , and was grinding 100+ for over 7 months getting a insane 14:53 end enter which is the fastest end enter on console with topylodon with a 14:56 Which both of our runs fuck up with topy dragon not perching and mine not criting and when I got my run of 18:51 i got a 1 sec pb one month later then I move on to pc going to decide to do runs on that choke multiple sub 13s and a couple 12s.Now I told some people that I was going to submit a pc run to console which ik was fuck up at the time since ik a 15:xx on pc for 100+ is super easy to beat since I’m probably the best 100+ player and console player to come to mcbe that’s not m8use arvin and maybe sine.Now I’m asking for a unban request y’all know I’m a really trusted member of mcbe going for the average daily kiwiestbirb wr.Now here’s things I’m do if I get unban 1. I’m not submitting any of my console runs because Ik I did wrong and I should not deserve 2nd place for what I did 2. I will not submit any runs that’s not top times because thats wasting mods times 3.I won’t cheat again because Ik how stupid it is 4. I will get sub 10 rsg :) I think non splicers deserve a 2nd chance
https://www.speedrun.com/mcbe/thread/hl5oy please use the sticky forums correctly :)
Why I made this is because I didn’t just go splice arun and submit it if I did that I wouldn’t care of being ban but I just done a stupid thing that I won’t make again if I get unban. I’ll everytime submit a run I’ll give y’all world files,full recording of run,and whatever y’all want I just want a unban
Honestly Calvin, you should stop while you still have some integrity to your name. I know it sucks cause you didn’t cheat the actual run, but you did lie and break sr.c’s rules seriously to be banned. If you keep running and just upload the run to YouTube, I know that a good amount of people will still know that the run isn’t cheated. I think you just have to cut your losses, keep running and upload the run to YT, and give up on submitting to sr.c
Calvin is a good runner so I think he can get a second chance :) We all learn from our mistakes
Unban him, if he does do something wrong, u can always ban him again
First off if your trying to put on a good impression make your paragraph look nice and grammatically correct, second of all no you have your second chance in the form of being able to post on YouTube and not being kicked out of the community way luckier than most people get. You broke the rules you don't just get unbanned when you broke the rules and saying you were going through tough time is neither an excuse nor is it ok to try to pull a sympathy card stop trying you're just making people lose respect for you.
@arrowpaw1 First off, how about you use proper grammar and punctuation when you're correcting someone else for their improper use of grammar. Second off, it's not an excuse that he was going through tough times, it's just him stating why he did it. I also don't blame him for his actions because I've been pretty depressed this past year and I've done some pretty shitty things, it's just life. Third, I believe @Calvin_XD should be unbanned, he's been a part of this community for a long time and I don't believe he should be punished because he was stupid and ignorant due to personal reasons. #Unban Calvin_XD (yes, I am going to start a hashtag).
@doraplayz @arrowpaw1 First off, how about you use proper grammar and punctuation when you're correcting someone else for their improper use of grammar. Second off, it's not an excuse that he was going through tough times; it's just him stating why he did it. I also don't blame him for his actions because I've been pretty depressed this past year and I've done some pretty shitty things; it's just life. Third, I believe @Calvin_XD should be unbanned; he's been a part of this community for a long time, and I don't believe he should be punished because he was stupid and ignorant due to personal reasons. #CopyAndPaste [Yes I copy and pasted this message.]
I'm sorry Calvin, I do believe you deserve a 2nd chance, since it isn't as bad as splicing etc. But that doesn't change the fact that you lied to us. I think a temp ban would be fair imo
Ok in all seriousness, just because you were going through a hard time doesn't excuse the fact that you tried to deceive people including the mods with a PC run, disguised to be a Console run. Not trying to sound mean at all. but it did seem like you tried to throw in the sympathy card to excuse what you did, and that's not what you should do. While I get that trying to set a time and constantly failing over and over can be very frustrating, you have to remember that nothing is gonna be handed to you easily. It all takes time and patience to set your goals. What you did was wrong and because of that, you have to face the consequences of your actions. I'm sorry that you were banned and whatever was going on at the time, but please remember that cheating is not cool. If anyone does agree that he should be given a second chance and unbanned, that is entirely your opinion and you're entitled to it, just like I'm entitled to mine. This is also the only time you'll ever see me this serious on this godforsaken Forum.
Hello Runners.
We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.
After completing a Top Run (Top 5 Main Category/1st ILs), you must exit the world and go to the main menu.
For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.
For Ps4/Ps5, this rule