seed: North Carolina or just -343522682
For mods:
GAMMA 5 yes F3 No additional texture pack Vanilla 1.14 .4 edited video footage (music, captions) Remaining Demo Time: 86:16 World File upload:
Problem: It took forever for it to upload and "verify" 2 files, hopefully that won`t ruin my world file, and I can prove that with this screenshot: (look at the bottom right)
Small problem: Near the end of the video, my timer didn't show the In-game time anymore after I stopped, which could be seen as "fake" ingame timer. But I used NinjaSnail1080's timer, and if you know how it functions, you should know the final ingame time shown would be blue, and I have an OBS filter that color corrects that to another colour ( idk which one) which my Chroma Key filter reacts to that, to not showing the final time... ahaha I can show you a video of my obs settings and prove it, im not sure if it is a big problem but just pointing out anyways,
DM me on unfried#3518 if you want more proof. (For example raw footage)
also shoutout to randomidiot13 if he verifies this run
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- () Lowered extra proof requirements for 1.16+ RSG to sub-13 for wor