Can you use math to find the stronghold?
3 years ago

While I was doing my runs on MC Java, I was curious to find out if it was possible to calculate the coordinates of the stronghold by only throwing two eyes of enders. This is how it works: You throw one eye of ender at a coordinate x=300 z=250, then move ur crosshair exactly where the pearl is, then note down the necessary degrees. You move about 500 blocks and do the same thing to get a more accurate result when finding the intersection point. I asked a question on Quora and how to do the math, and holy train I got it: So my main question is: Can I use math to easily find the coordinates of the stronghold?


Thank you for the link Etherealxx!

Quick curiosity, when will the vote/poll end? And when will we get to see the results?

Etherealxx likes this

hmm maybe better if you join the discord server. more info on there. oh also one thing, until the vote is over, yes, calcs are allowed