5 years ago
Ohio, USA

Maybe a minigame category with minigames that are speedrunable like sub trouble or slow g

QG78800, Pear, and Overdrive like this
Idaho, USA

Just was curious about the speedrunning scene for this game, and I’m blown away that there aren’t individual minigame speedruns for the ones that you can, like you said. Please add this, it would be awesome! Thank you.

Auvergne, France

Est-ce qu-il y'a la possibilité d'ajouter une catégorie tous les boss dans la partie mini jeux sachants que certains ne sont pas speedrunnables?

I’d love one on Blown Hover… just spent a night trying to speed run it and got a 42.08 and would love to see if anyone could top that

UnitedKoala likes this

rip forum im just gonna shoutout my 42.36 sub time.

for all 2 fans of this game listening do the same lol

Edited by the author 7 months ago
Ottawa, ON, Canada

I swear this had been posted about before, maybe I'm dreaming, or maybe it was deleted (probably the first).

So there's not really an issue for making IL boards for minigames, worst thing is that it'll look a bit funny cause it'll be side by side with the map ILs and I don't know of a way to seperate that. The bigger reason to not do it though is there's already a dedicated site for the minigames, which includes the timed ones and the score based ones. We'd only have the time based ones so it would be a bit silly to have an "incomplete" set of games when a full set of games already exists out there. Hell, they also have a Time Attack leaderboard that has 3 runs that are better than the current WR on this site, so it's definitely being used by good players. Site in question is here:

I'm leaving the conversation open if people really want to add the minigame ILs, I guess to me it just feels a bit redundant since a very active board already exists.

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