Multiple Players On Boss Rush
3 months ago

Hello, I'm just wondering if the Boss Rush leaderboards could be updated to allow for several players to appear as the players on This, I don't think, would constitute as a need for several categories. However, I've been doing runs with another person, and I was hoping that they could also get credited.

Having Multiple Players run boss rush is not allowed. You are allowed any amount of cpus not human players.


Ah, I see. Why is that? I don't entirely see as to why there can't be a category for it. I can understand that It theoretically has a small amount of timesave compared to a 1 player one, but it's still definitely a speedrun of the Boss Rush mode, just with two players. I also know you aren't a moderator, and can't really do anything about it, sorry for bothering you about this.


an amendment to the last post (specifically for the moderators of Mario Party 9): I do think it would be a good idea to update the category rules to reflect the rules mentioned, as without this forum I would have no known. I am assuming that most likely no one, or at least very few people, have actually done runs with more than one player. However, it would still be a good idea to update. I played the runs the way I did (with someone else) because Mario Party 9 is a multiplayer game, and I thought doing a multiplayer speedrun would be really fun! However, it seems this leaderboard does not support this, so I have deleted all submissions that I have made (all three) and am now hoping there can be a split to allow for multiple players. Sorry again for causing any mild chaos or confusion, I just wanted to have fun doing a silly little speedrun of this mode with someone else, and I hope that you understand.

Almost every speedrun is done with one player unless stated otherwise so its not included in the rules for most games and having multiple players is a significant advantage compared to master cpus as it removes basically any rng from the category. It also doesn't have a separate listing due to a lack of interest as the category even in 1p is mostly dead.

Edited by the author 3 months ago

Yeah, I get that. I could certainly tell from the lack of runs that Mario Party 9 is barely ran anymore. I can also 100% see why it wouldn't get anything more. Unfortunate that it won't be done, but I respect the decision, even if the moderators have not replied. Oh well, I probably shouldn't have been surprised or anything, this is Mario Party 9.

Sorry for the headache.

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