All Awards + Obelisks (NMG) notes (OBSOLETE)
All Awards + Obelisks (NMG) notes (OBSOLETE)
Updated 3 years ago by Anerag


TODO: fix errors?

sorc: water | cleric: mind | sorc: earth | sorc: air all: medit, max int/pers

wait 6PM; shoes; fly; letter; bucs memb; merch all, perc P3; dragonsand; shrine; NWC; infernos; gold; pots; dragonsand; followers; TP new sorpigal; rest dawn 2x; coach ironfist; arena pattern

TP silver cove; loretta quests; rest+food inn; pricefix; shoes; TP blackshire; rest dawn + 1h; pricefix; light+dark memb; twillen statues; shield; obelisk; TP free haven; shoes; pricefix; coach darkmoor; pricefix; TP new sorpigal; pricefix; coach ironfist; pricefix; shoes; wilbur; TP white cap; rest dawn + 1h; pricefix; shoes; TP free haven; train; skill water+air+perc; air+water expert; body+spirit+mind memb; pricefix; coach kriegspire; pricefix; TP silver cove; rest dawn + 1h; loretta

TP mist; train; eat shoes; skill water; master water; water+air+fire memb; TP free haven; dismiss both; hire carpenter+stone cutter; fix temple; hire duper+merchant; TK; fly+jump; haste; TP+beacon; qspells; TK slicker; osric quest; TP free haven; nomination; fly kriegspire; beacon well; buff; TP new sorpigal; heal; beacon NWC; bank pattern; TP white cap; heal; wait 10PM; shrapmetal 3x+day of prot+dark magic; skill dark; dark expert

TP new sorpigal; rest dawn 2x; TK coach ironfist; beacon castle; TK wilbur; recall well; buff; drink mana; heal mist; recall well; dismiss merchant; TK hire master healer; beacon outpost; obelisk; TK pedestal; fly sweet water; TK pedestal; obelisk; recall well; buff; heal mist; recall outpost; scroll; recall well; superior temple; scroll; heal mist; TP silver cove; rest dawn; beacon circle; obelisk; recall circle; TK boat; beacon boat; obelisk; heal mist; recall circle; circle

recall boat; boat alamos; TK crystal; TP silver cove; loretta; TP blackshire; kill 8; inn food; fly paradise valley; obelisk; TK dark master; fly hermit's isle; obelisk; fly dragonsand; TK pedestal; TP mist; rest dawn; TK boat bootleg bay; beacon; recall well; buff+prot; drink mana; heal mist; recall bootleg bay; temple of tsantsa; recall bootleg bay; TK pedestal; beacon temple of the sun; TK temple; recall outside; beacon fountain of magic; TP mist; heal; beacon newton; TK newton; obelisk; recall fountain; drink; recall newton; TK newton

recall fountain; obelisk; fire lord; recall fountain; beacon house; temple of the fist; recall house; hand in; TP mist; train; skill medit; TP new sorpigal; wait 10AM; TK expert medit; goblinwatch key; bounty; beacon goblinwatch; TK goblinwatch; scroll; recall outside; fly ironfist; beacon caverns; buff+heal; recall; harp; recall outside; baa temple; recall ironfist; fly shadow guild hideout; recall ironfist; obelisk; TK corlagon; TP mist heal+prot; TK silver helm outpost; TP new sorpigal; heal; beacon abandoned temple; TK temple; recall outside; obelisk; TK gharik's forge; TP new sorpigal; wait 10AM; hand ins; bounty; blades+self+elemental membs; recall newton; hand in

TP mist; TK town hall hand in; train; recall well; buff+prot; TP white cap; heal; beacon erik; erik; obelisk; dismiss duper; hire master healer; beacon anthony; anthony; recall well; TK winter; TP free haven; sewers; prince; TP free haven; fix temple; beacon; recall anthony; hand in; TP white cap; TK icewind keep; dragon towers; recall erik; hand in; recall temple; beacon tomb; ethric; recall outside; obelisk; beacon dragoons; mordred; recall outside; fly mire; beacon obelisk; obelisk; beacon snergle; caverns; recall outside; fly ironfist; buff? iron mine; recall obelisk; TK pedestal; recall obelisk; beacon darkmoor; dragon; recall outside; castle; buff?; recall outside; hand ins

TP free haven; TK slicker; hand ins; TK smugglers memb; temple of the moon; refresh well+ironfist; recall ironfist; hand in harp+berserkers memb; TK boat hermit's isle; TK crystal; die; candelabra+food+rest inn; dragonsand; obelisk; rock money; recall well; train; buff+prot; hire master+expert healers; castle; recall well; hand in egg; heal mist; TP blackshire; TK wolf lair; TK temple of the snake; TP blackshire; hand ins; wait 10PM; armageddon; TP silver cove; beacon monolith; monolith; recall outside; TK fortress; TP silver cove; bounty; hand in; earth+prot serv memb; recall well; buff+prot; heal mist; bounty

TP new sorpigal; dragonsand; TK VARN; cube; TP free haven; osric; TP free haven; TK council; crystals; oracle; control center; recall ironfist; wilbur+nicolai; go nuclear; ritual; jail; TP blackshire; fly sweet water; beacon hive; TK hive; end

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