Dark Forest brainstorming.
5 years ago
Kentucky, USA

This is a pretty random level, and it's almost entirely the last few minutes that causes the problem.

The level has Daemonwood clusters (Five 3 tree groups and 9 at the Witch King Castle itself)

There's really only 3 heroes you can pump at these at level 1

Monks - Very strange reaction, but lvl 1 monks can even win without spell support (and you can gurantee with the level 1 stoneskin spell) Warrior of Discord - Need the Fervus Heal spell Wizard - Need to be invisbled twice (but once all 4 are out don't need support.

Monks have the problem of although they have a high chance of winning they don't THINK they have a high chance of winning, so unless you build the temple on top of the daemonwood to force them into berserk, it won't work. (and this level is not really gnome > elve friendly)

Wizards are Great for killing the temple, but expensive and awkward to use a second / rebuild first for the daemonwood attacking your palace.

IL hasn't been pushed, but kinda leans into the "wizard for castle destruction, then ignore what happens to the palace and hope he teleports into barbarians / wods.

Nebraska, USA

A point of note that annoyed me is that his initial teleport seems to be forced by the game. Even if you use petrify or entangle he will still teleport away.

Toronto, ON, Canada

I'm gonna put this here incase people get interested in running the map. So Tsundraki is right that the initial teleport away is predetermined, but wrong that he will always teleport away regardless of whether you hit the entangle/petrify. It seems like there are 3 scenario's that can occur as soon as Witch King comes out of his lair.

  1. He immediately teleports away and you won't even be able to target him with a spell
  2. He hesitates long enough for you to target him with a spell, but will still teleport away and the spell will have hit him
  3. He hesitates so long that he never even gets to begin teleporting and will be locked in place by your Entangle/Petrify

The teleport itself seems to have a random location and distance

As for the Daemonwood groves, you don't even need to kill them unless they are in your path to The Witch King's Lair, because if you get the optimal 3rd result mentioned above, then you should be able to kill him before the Daemonwoods are able to kill you. Just clear the ones around his lair with Lightning Storms and cross your fingers with the Entangle/Petrify. My current WR doesn't even get the optimal 3rd result but I can confirm that it is possible as I've done it in practice

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