WR Clarity
4 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

Hey, I was just wondering something about the current WR that kinda caught me off guard and I was wondering if you could explain it to me.

  • During overall the entire run, especially on-farm, it seems like you weren't getting a slowness stagger which even affects jumping for me. (You can tell you're running most of the time from your arms animation being faster than the walking one)
  • Around 24 seconds (taking from the video) you kill the zombie outside with 2 bullets, but every time I test it, you cannot kill said zombie without hitting him 4 times.
  • Also, even though it's not about parts in the run; why is there a lackluster of game audio but with music audio ontop of it?

@KunoDemetries Hello! Sorry for late respond, i'm rarely being on this site nowadays.

  1. You're getting slowness when you out of breath. To avoid that i'm counting my jumps and using shift-run technique - counting seconds when i'm running then walking without shift button to recover my stamina. In wr run it wasn't perfect at all :(
  2. Right after i opened door i made a quick save-quick load, this somehow makes killing that zombie with starting rifle with only 2 shots (i have no idea why that particular zombie require 4 shots to kill). You can also use qs-ql to skip some animations. If you're cant get that glitch to work, try to install 1.1 patch from resources page. For example in 1.0 version of the game basement glitch doesnt work at all (00:42s).
  3. I am sorry for that, it was stream for a few peaple and i didn't really tested my audio levels. I could hear music and ingame audio just fine, but on stream it wasn't that good.
Edited by the author 4 years ago
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