Information about Bots! (Which bots are better, how to kill them level 1)
Information about Bots! (Which bots are better, how to kill them level 1)
Updated 21 days ago by LxVer

This only works against beginner bots.

ALL of what I'm about to explain variates from category to category, this is just so new runners can understand the reasoning behind some picks.

First of all you have to think which bot to use. Here is a little tierlist I made to give you an idea of which bots to use (this is focused on the level 1, but can be aplied on mid/late game as well).

S tier are the bests bots due to them not doing much in early levels and being easy to drag into your tower to kill.

A tier is the same as S tier but these bots might give you a bit of fight; Galio with his W, Amumu with his Q, Malphite with his Q, etc...

B tier are bots that might kill you or get you really low if you are not focused enought in the game; Ryze with his stunt, Renekton being Renekton, Darius with his passive, etc...

C tier is full of ADC mostly due to them being annoying with the range they have (Caitlynm Ezreal, Sivir) or because they have a big stunt that its easy to not dodge (Taric, Brand, Zilean (mostly his E)).

D tier is the worst of the worst, the most annoying things in the entire rift; Karthus passive and ult not letting you recall, Ziggs ult doing the same, Veigar E being there, Ashe and her passive, Soraka and her W.

How I think on what to play against based on the run is:

Do i have to kill the enemy (Hunter Runs category) or stack something of them (500 Stacks Veigar)?

  • Kill enemy: Pick ADCs or mages
  • Stack of them: Pick tanks or bruisers

Now, how do I make sure that the bot I want to lane against is going to be on the lane I'm going to spend most time? Well, that's really simple!

Where the bots are going to go is determinated on the order in the custom game, for example:

The order goes like this:

  1. Bot
  2. Top
  3. Mid
  4. Bot
  5. Top

Based on that we know that if I go to toplane for my level 1 I would have to face Zilean and Shen, and then I would have Cassiopeia and Morgana in botlane.

Now that we know that, how do we get 2 free kills level 1?

Watch this video to understand exactly how to do it.

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Small change to 5 Deaths

Thanks to everyone who played in the 5 Deaths category in the past two weeks! Due to the good acceptance of the category we decided to do a few changes:

  • 5 Deaths will be a permanent category.
  • 5 Deaths - Summoner's Rift sub-category will be created.

Obviously all the old runs

6 days ago