4 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

What are the rules regarding the use of amiibos during your runs?

United States

pretty sure they just arent allowed

Iowa, USA

Pretty sure a long time ago we agreed about banning those, being able to change poison mushrooms into health (red) mushrooms is pretty overpowering and changes how you approach the game for example. It also creates a paywall to run those kinda categories which is probably also frowned on.

Might possibly be worth a misc category, probably nothing more.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
AmeJade likes this
Ontario, Canada

I agree with what Dangerless said, having super mushrooms instead of poisons would also remove the timeloss from getting hit by it which would be pretty unfair to those with out the amiibo.

Massachusetts, USA

-I used Amiibos for my hidden mansion runs lol, no reason to make the run more painful than it already is. I could understand banning them for the main categories but if they make runs more consistent why not use them?

-The "NFC Puck" is $35...

-Ouch, however most top runners use New3DS which has built in NFC in which case it is quite cheap to make your own Amiibos. It's 50 cents for an NFC tag and access to a smart phone.

If you are already spending over $500 for a New3DS with a capture card and then buying the game (which is already a somewhat sought after/ uncommon game [$40]) and/or modding their 3DS w/ NTR ; I'd imagine another 15 dollars is not a big deal.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
orangeisborange likes this
Nevada, USA

You can also find the Amiibo file online somewhere, and just make a mobile inject on your phone. Personally, I see no reason not to have the Amiibo, the Breath of the Wild speedruns often used Amiibo for their runs.

Like Boston stated, if you're forking a lot of cash already just to run the game a little more just to have an additional feature wouldn't hurt. Skyward Sword Switch for example has an amiibo that literally allows fast traveling, so with features behind a paywall it's kinda hard to manage them, I get that. But to outright ban something that is part of the game's intended mechanics... not sure how I feel about it.

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