How do you do do the Stair Case glitch on B-Boss?
Indiana, USA
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

How do you do do the Stair Case glitch on B-Boss?

I have seen it done but I haven't seen a guide-

(and an explanation of how/why it works would be cool if you have the time)


Well you'd probs be best off asking one of the top runners in the discord, they are usually quite quick to respond. From my limited understanding you can get this:

  • there's not really a guide nor strong consistent method to it (don't fully know why) but it has something to do with the precise positionings, making it kinda inconsistent. The most succesful method is the one where you walk backwards while uv-ing the stairs in front of you and try to drift to the spot where the side-fence stops you.

Don't take this as an explanation nor as pure fact: I have to this day not succesfully done the trick, nor do I now what specifically makes it so inconsistent: what I do know is it takes a lot of effort and grinding, and some luck on top of that

Hope this aided a little, and please: go to the discord and ask somene better than me

Ohio, USA

So to do it you just hold some southeast angle and ride up the railing at some speed and sometimes you'll get it. Also be sure to be at least three stairs up or you won't be able to walk up the side if you get it

It's just not consistent so there's nothing more to say really. It might depend on the your angle, it might depend on your speed, it might depend on the alignment of the planets we don't know. You can try to mimic a video but even the ones that are the best at it are under 20% success rate

As for why it happens it has to be due to the fact that when Luigi falls while looking down the stairs he does a different falling/sliding animation than if he was looking up the stairs. And this difference must have a slightly different hitbox that can clip the railing at the corner of the stairs which causes Luigi to lose his speed and stand up. As for why it doesn't happen consistently if this is the reason I don't know

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