Skipped right over the sub-45 and got a sub-44! It was a godlike run in the first half and most of the time loss was near the end. This run resulted in both a Swamp Fever and Hard Rain individual WR, so that sure went well.
mr.deagle's view:
MrFailzz's view:
Precise time: 43:54.289
Time splits
Provided by
# | Name | Split | Finished at |
1 | Plank Country | 1m 24s 489ms | 1m 24s 489ms |
2 | Swamp | 1m 52s 845ms | 3m 17s 334ms |
3 | Shanty Town Gold | 1m 15s 577ms | 4m 32s 912ms |
4 | Plantation | 4m 19s 150ms | 8m 52s 062ms |
5 | Highway | 2m 10s 799ms | 11m 02s 862ms |
6 | Fairground | 2m 02s 341ms | 13m 05s 204ms |
7 | Coaster | 2m 02s 205ms | 15m 07s 409ms |
8 | Barns | 1m 15s 816ms | 16m 23s 225ms |
9 | Concert | 3m 52s 580ms | 20m 15s 805ms |
10 | Milltown | 1m 48s 164ms | 22m 03s 970ms |
11 | Sugar Mill Gold | 1m 44s 750ms | 23m 48s 720ms |
12 | Mill Escape Gold | 1m 38s 975ms | 25m 27s 696ms |
13 | Return to Town | 1m 22s 834ms | 26m 50s 530ms |
14 | Town Escape | 3m 11s 089ms | 30m 01s 620ms |
15 | Hotel | 0m 58s 682ms | 31m 00s 302ms |
16 | Streets Gold | 2m 25s 540ms | 33m 25s 842ms |
17 | Mall | 2m 17s 116ms | 35m 42s 959ms |
18 | Atrium | 1m 44s 811ms | 37m 27s 770ms |
19 | Waterfront | 1m 22s 538ms | 38m 50s 308ms |
20 | Park Gold | 1m 48s 286ms | 40m 38s 595ms |
21 | Cemetery | 2m 30s 360ms | 43m 08s 955ms |
22 | Quarter | 1m 40s 302ms | 44m 49s 257ms |
23 | Bridge | 2m 40s 610ms | 47m 29s 867ms |
Original Campaigns has moved to category extensions
This was meant to be done many months ago, but the time and motivation simply didn't exist to make it happen. Unfortunately, due to limitations of and how the category extensions board is laid out, this does mean we lost the players variable (the variable used to filter co-op runs for 2
Recent runs