93% run idea
3 years ago
Idaho, USA

(Sorry if this is already a thing) So it's basically a normal speedrun, except you have to collect all the energy spheres. Unlike a 100% run where you gotta do the minigames as well. This can be done in classic or EX mode

Idaho, USA

I kinda realized that the point of getting the energy spheres is to unlock the minigames, but I just like to collect them, so I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't become a thing

Michigan, USA

Bro this would be so cool. Then I could actually figure out the location of all energy spheres lmao


This is literally just 100% but with a few stages right at the very end taken off for no reason This discussion has already happened back in 2012, there will be no category for All Energy Spheres

sprinklebrother likes this
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