iOS / Android subcategories?
6 years ago
Kent, England

As someone else has previously mentioned, there is a tiny difference between iOS and Android, specifically level 1 design. I think levels 2-4 are the same between platforms but I don't know about any other levels as I only have Android.

I could make iOS / Android subcategories. However, if the difference is only in level 1 and (from what I could tell) did not make a huge difference, I am tempted to leave it. Thoughts?

Maanlex and Bogdan_mk like this
New York City, NY, USA

If it doesn't make a big difference I don't think you should do it. Maybe when there are more runs and the times have less of a difference between one another.

North Macedonia

I think you should do it. Every difference counts

Maanlex likes this
United States

Hello, this has been made official after talking with drgrumble about this. Due to dying in the Android version letting you respawning in places farther in the level, the board has been split between phone versions because the IOS version only spawns you at the start. The thread will be open for any questions about the split.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness likes this
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UPDATE: Respawn Glitch is possible on IOS

As the title says, Respawn Glitch is can be done of IOS. This means that both platforms can do this glitch. The category split will still be in place but this is good news.

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