2022/1/22 Revamp
2 years ago
United States

So far:

  • Changed XP to a multiplier, instead of no dxp/dxp
  • Added LE/EB/E 1st/2nd/3rd
  • Moved Lobby Parkour to Misc.


  • Ahmsord & Tutorial categories
  • Move LI/Raids/Forgery Chest to Level Leaderboards
IwerSonsch 그리고 AlecsouTV 이것을 좋아함
United States

Completely fixed the Level Leaderboards (manually moved a ton of times) by changing DL to a variable.

United States
  • Changed image to logo instead of the weird stretched wallpaper we had before
  • Moved all LI runs to level leaderboard
United States

Forgot to mention this, but URL change from mcm_wynncraft to just wynncraft.

Transferred all raids to level, added forgery chest to level.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
United States

Added Ahmsord% and associated runs.

That's all for now unless I missed something edit: tutorial category soon, maybe sherk%?

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
United States

Added nopot/nopot+nomythic/anything goes selections for Solo LI

United States

Added class variable for solo level runs Update: Finished tagging every solo run with class (pain)

Added 1.20 hotfix 6 patch for LI update category because that was ridiculously broken

Added tutorial% :)

Edited Solo LI categories

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
United States

The Eye (EO boss) category added

remind me to tag all the runs with consumable/no consumable/hp pot only 😩