More Categories
9 years ago
Washington, USA

Any% should not be the only category. The rules aren't even defined on when to start and stop timer. There should be Any% Human Any% Orc Any% full game I would say start timer on selecting to start Orc or Human Campaign and end timer at Final Mission complete as the box comes up after the mission. I am looking to do runs of this game but I want to start with running Orc and Human Campaigns separate. So I won't be able to submit those runs on This goes out to MicroElf

Also i wouldn't mind being a mod



About categories & rules: Warcraft 1 categories and rules haven't been set so far. The reason is that I'm not really familiar with this game and previous moderator was inactive for a while (so admins decided to remove him). So, if you'd like to fix this and look after wc1 section at all, I think it would be cool.

About timing: In common, RTA-timer starts when you have the opportunity to start playing (gain control first time) and ends as the final mission complete. So, it's better to start timer when mission actually has started rather then on selection. Anyway time may be corrected later, so do not hesitate to make your runs.

About runs: You may definitely start running campaign runs. We'll fix categories, so your runs will not be lost. No need to worry. And good luck!

Washington, USA

TY for getting back to me on my question. Like i said i think any% human and any% orc campaign runs should be added. This is because I want to start doing runs of the individual campaigns first and get better at the game before doing a full game run. I can make these categories if i get mod but its no big deal. I am interested in doing runs sometime soon, I have the game I just would be playing on a labtop, so until i get a nice set up with a seperate keyboard and mouse that feels comftorable I will hold off on runs. It is near impossible to try to speedrun Warcraft when limited to using a labtop. Having a good mouse that is responsive is important. Warcraft is a high intensive fast pace game where you always want to be doing something, either building your base, getting troops or attacking the enemy.

If anything if I do campaign runs i will still submit them, but clearly state that it is just human or just the orc campaign


I added orc campaign any% and human campaign any% sections. Also, wrote down approximate rules. Let me know if you think we need any specific rules (in case of potential room for bugs/skips/abuses/etc) or if you have any suggestions.

About your run: I think we can subtract 12 seconds from your run as you gain control in ~9-th second of the run and stop timer ~3 seconds after pass the final mission. Not a big deal but why not?:)

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