New Zealandzeplins9 years ago

If somebody gets the time, could they please also add 1-S, 2-S, 3-S, 4-S, 5-S ,6-S and ☆-S to the IL boards, as well as Boss Tent bosses 1 through 12 c: cheers

New Zealandzeplins9 years ago

Just to keep these requests within a single thread, I'd like to request 100% be added as well.

Also what's going on with amiibo categories?

Edit: Cheers 4 the change c:

Pear 이것을 좋아함
New Zealandzeplins9 years ago

If you go ahead and compare in-game time of runs done on pc to wiiu, the same as comparing wiiu to 3ds, you can see that pc 20-30 seconds faster, so as mamgar says, it basically depends on how fast you menu. Like unless you're very very slow at menuing, pc will be a bit faster.

Pear 이것을 좋아함
zeplins에 대해서
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