Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

You no longer need to return to the spawn point after collecting all 36 fragments, as the game will now give you an end time if you die immediately after getting all of the fragments

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

Unless an update has happened recently, no it doesn't, but I will check just to make sure

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

If the differences do in fact give one platform a definite edge over another, then I can make different categories for each platform. We'll see how it all plays out though

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

that's interesting, I don't think the extra jump issue, is an issue as it doesn't actually give you any sort of horizontal or vertical increase in speed, there is really only one tile set that I use it on, but just simply changing your jumping pattern would allow you to traverse it in the same amount of time, if that makes any sense

as for the ending cutscene, when it doesn't lock you into a direction, does it lock your character in place instead? or can you move freely around as it plays?

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

Correct, the game won't give you a time until you return back to the spawn point after grabbing all 36 fragments.

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

I haven't really bothered trying to do much research in that regard other than also knowing the map is always formed as a 6x6 grid, figuring out some sort of way to manipulate it would be really cool, and I'm definitely interested in this idea

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

You come onto a speed run forum advertising to give away modded gear, and you're calling me crazy? Nice 180 turn buddy. Nobody is stupid enough to fall for that.

I'm not even gonna go into the fact that modded gear on ANY Blizzard game, is against their ToS.

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

You do realize cheating is generally.....you know........frowned upon.

It's also against the rules, but I'm sure you knew that already

스레드: The Site
Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

This isn't really a bug, and I'm not sure if it's been brought up, but when submitting a new game to the site or just adding more platforms to existing games the Switch is hidden in the 'obscure' consoles section rather than with all the other default consoles.

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

When I set the game up, It didn't give me the option for switch for some weird reason, I'll fix it if it becomes available, but it was something I was aware of

Edit* it's fixed now, for whatever reason the site considered the Switch as an 'obscure' console

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

I can alter stuff around later if it must needs be, but for now, let's just use the rules set in place

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

getting killed simply after getting all the fragments won't give you a time and your time still does go up when returning to the start of the level.

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

I also know about the room you are talking about I found it a few years back and thought that the same door was taking me to 2 different rooms everytime I went in, Didn't realize until somebody on GFaq's pointed out that it was actually 4 rooms that cycled through eachother. It's just the 2 doors that lead inside both have similar style environments around them.

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

pretty easy to pull off it seems, did a few quick tries at it and didn't have any issues

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

I figured it probably would've been slower but figured I would bring it up though.

I am intrigued by your findings with the bronze thief boss, in particular when he leans back when you press forward or up/forward. My question now is although the silver and gold thieves have different attack patterns than the bronze thief, they do have the lean back mechanic. Is pressing the right buttons to make the bronze thief lean back consistent every time you perform it, and do the silver and gold thieves lean back under the same circumstances? If they do, would it make pure stun-lock kills a thing? And if so, would it make the fights faster?

And I'd be down for some knowledgeable videos for a game I really enjoy. it's great how many things are being found lately for this game. from learning that you can shoot fireballs after the dragon rather than in the throne room, to an accidental despawn find for the flashing guard, to even a trick (granted TAS only) to bypass the flashing dungeon mob.

A few other things I've just thought about as well, and then I'll actually get some sleep....

  1. Is the archer that comes out of the window of the tower (the one you then use as a platform) random? or are there ways to make him show up consistently by positioning yourself on certain pixels?

  2. What is the hitbox for the crowbar? because fighting the guardian before the gold thief statue seems inconsistent. which usually results in taking more hits and losing time.

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

So I've been curious about a potential route change, and was wondering if this is something that the TAS had ever tested, but would it be faster or slower to let's say after getting the silver thief statue you go up and get the bronze knight/jewel, and then drop down to the silver thief like you would in a typical play through?

it would obviously involve buying a few more keys after getting the bronze thief but that takes extremely minimal time. and a slight route change in the upper palace as you can't use the window to get outside, so you would just use the big central door instead.

Since you have to jump off of the tower after getting the jewel anyways, instead of falling through the transition, you drop to the door and go to the silver thief. it seems like it would be about the same time to go in the door to drop down and get to the silver thief as it would just damage boosting/despawning the flashing guard.

Would it be faster to get the palace section done as quick as possible despite not having the gold thief so that you can go straight to the dungeons after getting the gold thief for a more linear pathing? I.E working from top to bottom rather than the typical middle>top>bottom Or is getting the gold thief before the palace just too much of a time advantage?

Sorry if I made hell of all sense, but it's something I've thought about for at the very least a year now. And doesn't seem like it would be something too terribly difficult to figure out.

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

took me forever to realize why I couldn't get the despawn to work, until I realized I kept killing the beehive after my first passing not really considering it as an enemy haha. Once I realized that the despawn worked 100% of the time after around 70-90 quick attempts at replicating it.

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

Never mind figured it out, there is a painting in bowsers keep that also leads to snow/seaside that you forgot to list

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

Question regarding the paintings and where they warp you. You list Mushroom Kingdom as warping to snow or seaside. Yet none of the other paintings listed warp to these 2 places. So if my mushroom kingdom warps me to snow, what painting would warp me to seaside, or vice versa?

Hope that makes sense.

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