Hey mods, could I be promoted to moderator in Pokémon picross? Right now, our 3 mods haven't done many runs for a long period of time and aren't that involved in the community. I think that I should be mod because I’ve done a lot of runs and have been an active member of the community for a long time. I have a lot of passion for this game and also run the picross speedrunning discord, where I regularly see people discuss speedrunning the game.
I have some 0s ILs that can’t be submitted right now because speedrun.com doesn’t allow it. Are you able to change that and make it so they are distinguishable from 1s (probably by adding milliseconds and accepting them as 001ms)?
Could you also add levels after the easy ones? I’ve started to speedrun them.
This is long overdue, but here's the invite to the picross series speedrunning discord https://discord.gg/5vufjPF
I made a discord for this series a bit ago, but didn't share it here because this game was dead at the time. Here's the invite link: https://discord.gg/5vufjPF
Something's fishy about how this game is processed on the 3DS. The timer starts on 30:00 instead of 29:59, meaning that all the records can be beaten in a breeze with it (all of our current runs are on gameboy or gameboy equivalents).
I just noticed that your 4B record started at the normal time, 29:59, which is quite confusing.
So I made a discord for this series. Invite link is https://discord.gg/5vufjPF
So I made a discord for this series. invite link is https://discord.gg/5vufjPF
How are we going to deal with multiple versions of this game? We should at lease make note of which version we are running the game on, as it is very prone to change. We could also restore versions, as this is hosted in github, so we could theoretically copy all of the edits from one time to exactly recreate a version. We would have to label it as so and say it is for speedrunnning only and link to the actual pokeclicker at some points that would not affect gameplay at all, like on the beginning of the game screen and the changelog page.
Are there going to be 100% categories in all areas and all ILs except for Area 0 ILs? Getting all of the missions would bring switching pokemon, using them in play, and adding more puzzles would really change the playstyle. We might have to switch to RTA for the ones that require slow or freeze time though.