스레드: The Site
Kentucky, USAkeap32 years ago

Hey, they added comments to individual runs ! Very nice B)

YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
Kentucky, USAkeap32 years ago

SRC update brings ability to comment on individual runs. Very neat B)

스레드: Super Mario 64
Kentucky, USAkeap32 years ago

@NicV thx for the clarification. This makes a lot of sense.

I think Nic is right, if you are getting -10, its likely just the nuances in the gameplay rather than the route.

LBLJ definitely saves time when applied appropriately... There is an argument to be made that doing it NOW will ultimately lead to better consistency over time... but without playing for a more crucial PB barrier, its probably pretty arbitrary. Go for it if it feels good!

NicV 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Super Mario 64
Kentucky, USAkeap32 years ago

without super optimal play at a high level, I think its hard to kinda tell what does and doesnt save time when using LBLJ... I think @NicV is theoretically correct tho, the advantage of LBLJ is getting out of lobby as fast as possible... entering CCM door and spending 2 stars there is a good chunk of time. I'm not perfect with the metrics of 16, but I'm wondering if like... just doing 100 + reds in whomps than going to CCM? Like there are a lot of options in this range.

I've heard that LBLJ doesn't even really need to be implemented until you get a 16 minute PB... This also kind of brings into question of how consistent you are with LBLJ... I think on average, getting consistent at LBLJ requires a pretty competent level of skill... But if you ARE getting LBLJ consistently AND saving time over a run where you are doing things consistent in your own way... then ya, you are saving time. Know what I mean, jelly bean?

Meanwhile pless and sidehop are still going to give you an advantage for higher tier routes... so I just think within this range of PB you are at, if you feel like its saving you time, it probably is a little bit. Hopefully LBLJ doesn't plague the session with resets.

NicV 이것을 좋아함
Kentucky, USAkeap32 years ago

kobe with the sig BOP. gg gamer!

Kentucky, USAkeap32 years ago

@Kirb788 , you are smart

@Cheesebuiscut64 , if you hop in the discord, you'll find out pretty quickly whats going on... There isn't a lot of documentation yet, but we've all thrown in some research we've found here and there. I think Nemuri's goal is to compile as much of it as possible.

If you feel compelled to research 11 Exit Orb runs, feel free to look for it! I don't want to speak for Nemuri's vision here, but I imagine we'd all be interested to see any kind of research be put forth.

Kentucky, USAkeap32 years ago

Good idea Nemuri, I'll hop in!

Kentucky, USAkeap33 years ago


AntBlueR 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Super Mario 64
Kentucky, USAkeap33 years ago

@Apianbelle oh, thats alright :) I figured that might be the case. happy to come to an understanding :)

regardless, idk if this is really the reason that there isnt a Stage RTA board for VC, just an assumption really... But considering the popularity of the game at large, I would bet it doesnt exist simply because of the visibility, or lack there of, on Stage RTA runs for VC. Again, it may be possible if it proved to be popular enough, no harm in trying!

스레드: Super Mario 64
Kentucky, USAkeap33 years ago

@Apianbelle , oh yeah? Thats interesting... I've never played sm64 on Wii or Wii U VC... but I've been told in several contexts that the VC versions of the game have reduced game lag... That is why lag reduction strats are typically reserved for N64 play, because there is lag on N64 while there isn't much framedropping in VC versions.

Also, to be clear, I mean lag frames in the gameplay itself.. NOT input lag.. If we are talking about input lag, then yes, VC does have more INPUT LAG in comparison to N64... the amount of time the game takes to register that a button has been pushed or input has taken place is longer than what it might be on original N64, and therefore that is input lag that is increased on VC...

But in terms of actual gameplay, VC versions of SM64 don't have game lag in the same way that N64 does. The game lag that is experienced on N64 is unique to the original publication of the game and has been shoed in as a critical component that makes the game what it is, creating a culture around "lag reduction" for original hardware playing that doesn't necessarily translate to VC playing.

Are you saying that you are dropping as many or more frames on VC as you would original hardware? like gameplay lag?

스레드: Super Mario 64
Kentucky, USAkeap33 years ago

I don't typically run this game, nor am I an expert on the rules for this game... but I do watch a lot of it, and I have a hunch. The rules also state that any GameShark codes that would effect lag are banned, so maybe the consensus is that the lack of lag on Wii and Wii U VC may be counter intuitive to the purpose of a Stage RTA run. Well, and this methodology could extend to a lot of play around SM64, most top level play does happen on original console and being able to manipulate lag is a crucial component to being exceptional at the game. At the Stage RTA level, the runs are so dramatically shorter than the main categories (overall), that the lack of lag on VC would just contradict the accomplishments of Stage RTA methods at large.

As someone who runs SMW that lacks a IL leaderboard at all, I might be able to assume that the reason that there isn't a separate category comes down to weighing how much moderation effort it would take to moderate a category that isn't incredibly popular or that could be satisfied by other categories on the leaderboard. Of course, SM64 is more active than SMW, maybe there is a league of players out there that really want Stage RTA representation for VC stuff, in which case, it may just be up to that sector of the community to show proof that its worth making an extension for. Record runs, spread the word, and contact the moderators, and if the moderators think its worth their time, they may consider it. Otherwise, creating an entire other board just to make room for a handful of Stage RTA runs on VC might not be worth the digital and physical bandwidth it would take to maintain it on an already EXTREMELY active leaderboard. Really comes down to the community consensus... might take less consensus to achieve such a thing on a less popular game, but SM64 has a lot of legacy to convince otherwise.

This is speculation though, its possible I have no idea what I'm talking about lmao.

Lojen 그리고 QUEEFDADDY69 이것을 좋아함
Kentucky, USAkeap33 years ago

Mingura coming in clutch with a good answer. Splits are very helpful, I would suggest them as well.. but ya, not necessary. a run that isn't being timed in the moment can be put into software to find the accurate time anyway. I'm pretty sure the mods do this with any runs that come in, so a video of a run without a timer on the video should be just fine. SuperiorSone just got 11NC NMG WR while pointing a camera at a CRT , so it should be good xD

스레드: The Site
Kentucky, USAkeap33 years ago

idk why I didn't ever see these replies.. maybe the notifications got buried... but, If I could attach a picture, I'd post that deep fried image of Shaq in the whip saying "Understandable, have a great day" :)

Makes a lot of sense... Would be too much to mod when there is already a forum aspect to this site... Originally, I kind of thought it would be a light load, but then I'm thinking about certain infamous WR runs that would just be absolutely flooded lmao.

Thanks for entertaining the idea! :)

YUMmy_Bacon5, O.D.W., 그리고 MrMonsh 이것을 좋아함
Kentucky, USAkeap33 years ago

I'm relatively new to the community , and don't know a LOT about a BUNCH of games , so I'm sure there is a more nuanced answer...

But if you hadn't thought of it, I'd recommend taking a closer look at many of the other Mario games. Many of them share similar mechanics! Of course, they develop over time... but essentially, all of them require moving the man with the red hat quickly, and his speed is dynamic and needs to be treated with care :) I think super mario bros. 3 is actually pretty comparable to SMW. The concept of P Speed may be the most similar, and I think the fluidity in the movement is similar to SMW. SMB1 has similar concept, yet clunkier... SMB2 is a bit of different breed... Yoshi's Island has some more advanced mechanics... SM64 is even more complex... but all require moving the guy.

past that though, mario is such a staple for platforming mechanics, that the argument could be made that MOST platformers have something to owe to how mario is played. If you find a game, 2D or 3D, that use only the character to perform the tasks, it very well could satisfy the itch that comes from mario too :)

Kentucky, USAkeap33 years ago


스레드: The Site
Kentucky, USAkeap33 years ago

This seems like a pretty big change to add... but I would love to go to a leaderboard, click on a run to view it, and leave a comment about it :) like a youtube video! Could be a cool place to celebrate or talk about unique strats ;3

Thx <3

YUMmy_Bacon5, Tutterey 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
Kentucky, USAkeap34 years ago

Have become addicted to Twitch, dusting some rust off of my Super Mario World skills as a young lass ... Might try to stream soon!

Whats the good / cheap web cam that folks are using these days? I see about that hover around 30 bucks on amazon, but wasn't sure if there was a particular brand/model that is tried & true for the speedrunning community

thx <3

Pear 이것을 좋아함
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