oasiz: ahk is for rebinding replay keys which you can't do from in-game. The SSD is unfortunately just a regular one. I guess if there are no external SATA connections, I can't use it. I also have the possibility to put all my stuff onto a USB stick and hope gta 3 will not screw me. Portal wise I should be fine with USB.
Is possible to just bring my SSD and play off of that as I use a bunch on extra programs (dxwnd, ahk) and I don't really trust gta3 as in I wanna use my trusted version of the game. I presume you guys will use Intel&Nvidia setup.
Okay, somebody lock it up then, I honestly didn't think it was going to go this route.
I'm not questioning it's meaning as I know it's meaning has be established for years as "Beat the game". I just think that it's a badly constructed term which direct wording has to be "any percentage" which only vaguely describes that the player finishes the game with any number of completion percentage. I just think that the term was badly created and should be veered away from not only because of reasons I said before but also it has inspried numerous bad category names like trevor%, classic% etc.
No, you also said something else. My opinion on what any% implies is explained in OP. Your opinion differs from it, I understand that.
The preference of "Beat the game" is just something I'd been starting to notice these past few months and as I agreed with that I decided to make this thread to see how people feel about the subject and surely enough many people shared my opinion, many did not. But I guess I'm just being silly for thinking that concise leaderboard semantics are worth any discussion. I'm sorry about that.
Sorry for seeming silly to you. But this subject has generated sides and opinions from 17 different individuals. Which makes me a lot more informed about this annoyance in the leaderboard that I have. Also the vote seems to be quite close which means there is something to discuss, which makes it not silly to me. In my opinion your gloating and useless input is the silliest thing in this thread.
I watched the end of your marathon run and echo Mhmd's opinion on this matter.
There was lately some discussion on this on twitter about this, so I'm gonna make this thread to maybe get this in my opinion fairly obvious change to take effect.
Why "Beat the game" is better than Any%?
Any% doesn't imply completion of the game.
"Beat the game" defines the category perfectly as it's literally all you do in the run.
Clarity. Newcomers can grasp the idea behind the category much faster, as Any% might be fairly vague and confusing.
Why Any% is better than "Beat the game"?
"Beat the game is too long to say." Invalid as "Beat the game" has 3 syllables and Any% has 4.
"It's traditional." We shouldn't care for this as it's a bad habit to hold onto bad traditions and sacrifice the clarity of the leaderboard.
I don't think voting is the best option in resolving this sort of matter, I would like for the leaderboard mods to discuss this and make the change if they agree with my opinion. In any case I'm still gonna give the option to vote:
A - Beat the game/("Complete the game" as suggested by Powdinet) B - Any% C - Other (explain why)
Powdinet was hiding this like every other new strat we find. Lean forward to get over the wall easier.
I did it in the marathon run so look at that I guess
yeh vid is blocked everywhere so rip until someone makes another one