jacobgts2 months ago

Thank you so much! I came across djs channel a while back searching for TSA videos. I only found "Dat splice" videos which is also very legendary!

Looking forward to watch this video and a few other videos to see old tricks and strats!

I will also watch this video which I watched early on in my journey!

jacobgts2 months ago

Hi! I am in need of a nostalgic trip.

As for many others, the (spliced) multi-part series of TSA was my introduction to OOT speedrunning. and speedrunning in general.

Does anyone know where I can find these? They got removed once he got caught cheating. But I still want to see them!


알 수 없음
jacobgts1 year ago

Some games have 100% and 110%. So if there are 2 sides a 110% category could be an option as well.

But my opinion is that 100% should include all colletables, (all medals).

스레드: Super Mario 64
jacobgts5 years ago

Did not work for me, could not focus on steering mario optimal. I needed the sound and I guess other people need it as well.

스레드: Super Mario 64
jacobgts5 years ago

Hi! I have tried for a long time to learn optimal swimming.

I guess I'm pretty bad at keeping the rythm at the same time as i am focusing on steering Mario.

I thought that a bpm clicker aka metronome would help.

So I used a online tool to calculate the bpm from a video tutorial by Beogoar

I also looked at cheese05 recent 120 wr (amazing btw, what a save)

And I got it to be optimal at 90 bpm.

here is a metronome:

Or just use googles metronome: (google online metronome and set it to 90)

This helped me to get trough the water jet ;)

If anyone else have a even more optimal bpm, let me know!

I tried to find the optimal bpm but could not find it, maybe it is already here somewhere, but if not; you´re welcome!

jacobgts6 years ago

I manage to do it with . a wrong warp!

So messing up made me learn deat hole wrong warp and I am currently really proud of myself.

Never done a glitch that big before...

jacobgts6 years ago

So I glitched through king zora to get to jabu-jabu as a child. I did the dungeon and left. Now king zora is in the way and I cant get past him one im a adult.

And even as a child I cant move him.

Is there a way to get past king zora as a adult?

jacobgts6 years ago

Will I notice it in game or is it just in general? I guess it would be sweet to have a bigger screen though :/

I start with this one and if I still running it in 2019 I will consider buying the new 3ds xl :D

jacobgts6 years ago

Hi! Just started running oot 3ds on my old 3ds from 2011. Should I upgrade to a new 3ds or even new 3ds xl? Are there any big differents in running on either devices or should I be fine with my old one?

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