Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle1 year ago

Hey speedrun.com can you please program a feature to read the comments page the first page on this article

SuperGamer64 이것을 좋아함
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle1 year ago

New layout looks like garbage (but that's to be expected, it's 2023 and that's the only type of redesign that web designers know how to do), but the bigger issue is that profiles don't show login dates. Literally 1 hour ago I messaged a guy who hasn't logged in since last year to ask if he could come back to verify something. Good thing I didn't procrastinate on it because if I checked his profile now I wouldn't know that he was inactive; for all I know he could have visited 5 minutes ago and I'd be waiting weeks for nothing.

SuperGamer64, grntsz 그리고 36 기타 이것을 좋아함
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle1 year ago

You never have to wait for the timer to run out in any level! After hitting the goal requirement, you can quit the level to go to the results screen.

  • Soccer Kid - Roll up Ace
  • Rainbow Girl - 15cm
  • Mini-Sumo - Knock out the Komusibi (133kg)
  • Excited Baby - Any 50 items


  • Lazybones - 40cm
  • Hansel & Gretel - Roll up both fans (1m30cm)
  • Crane Hat Boy - 600 cranes
  • Rain Coat Girl - 50 clouds


  • Float Boy - 80cm
  • Camper Man - Light the wood pile (1m50cm)
  • F1 Racer - 5m
  • Bird & Elephant - 500m


  • Grandma - 12m
  • Fund-raiser - $10
  • Just-right Girl - 10cm (if you try to quit too small you get a long text box, but you don't fail) (also don't forget to quit via the on-screen indicator and not pause+quit)


  • Ikebana Teacher - 617 flowers
  • Grandpa - 3m
  • Book Worm - Roll up the fan (1m50cm)
  • Snow Child - Go onto the snowman (size doesn't matter)


  • Cleanly Mom - All 100 items
  • Substitute Teacher - 1m50cm
  • Dr. Katamari - 150 friends
  • Cowbear Farmer - Any cow or bear


  • Dog - The sun has a specific size to collect, but your size is not shown on screen and all planets are worth different amounts of size. The Big Bang is the largest thing in the level, but it is not enough on its own to collect the sun (it's only 75% as large as the sun). You will need to come up with a route through the level and just be comfortable that it is big enough, and as you refine your route you can start reducing your amount of planets to save time. Note that it is NOT an explicit requirement to collect every planet in the level, as long as your hidden size is big enough. Also, yes, you do have to beat all 23 other levels in order to roll up the sun. If you try earlier then the game will automatically make you fail regardless of your size.
Palumn 그리고 GameIt 이것을 좋아함
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle1 year ago


If you play your levels so either Cleaning or Fireflies is your last level before rolling up the sun, you will save a few seconds for free.


New to Reroll is the addition of Royal Reverie levels, which are unlocked by beating each of the 5 stages:

  • Cleaning
  • Fireflies
  • Friends
  • School
  • Racetrack

When you unlock these levels, there's unavoidable King text in the Select Plaza that you have to mash through. But when you beat your 23rd level, there's ALSO unavoidable dialogue informing you that you're now able yo beat the game. What happens is that the sun dialogue pushes back any other unlocked dialogue until the next level you beat. Which won't happen in any% since the timer stops when you get the sun.

Therefore reordering your levels so you end on either Cleaning or Fireflies will save you a few seconds in your any% run for free.

Fireflies is preferred if you choose to get the present in the level, because you can ALSO skip the King's text box where he normally tells you how to equip presents in the cake (which means that the time saved with the present is even more valuable since you eliminate half of the time lost). If you don't get the present in your run then Cleaning is equally viable.

(Note that since the text boxes are merely delayed and not entirely skipped, this doesn't save time in categories that continue after the credits)

Shookie 그리고 GameIt 이것을 좋아함
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle1 year ago

== Start of game ==

  • Soccer Kid [Tutorial]

== After beating Tutorial ==

  • Rainbow Girl [ALAP 1]

== After beating ALAP1 ==

  • Lazybones [ALAP 2]
  • Float Boy [Pond]
  • Ikebana Teacher [Flowers]
  • Cleanly Mom [Cleanup]

== After beating 5 levels ==

  • Dog [Roll up the sun]

== After trying and failing to roll up the sun ==

  • Hansel & Gretel [Gingerbread]
  • Camper Man [Fire]
  • Grandpa [ALAP 3]
  • Substitute Teacher [School]

== After beating 8 levels and ALAP 3 ==

  • Mini-Sumo [Sumo]
  • Crane Hat Boy [1000 cranes] - Must also beat School
  • F1 Racer [Race]
  • Grandma [ALAP 4]
  • Book Worm [Fireflies]
  • Snow Child [Snowman]
  • Dr. Katamari [Friends]

== After beating 12 levels and ALAP 4 ==

  • Excited Baby [50 items] - Must also beat Friends
  • Fund-raiser [Money]
  • Cowbear Farmer [Cowbear] - Must also beat Race

== After beating 18 levels ==

  • Rain Coat Girl [Clouds]
  • Bird & Elephant [ALAP 5]
  • Just-right Girl [Saturn] - Must also beat School

== After credits ==

  • Michiru Hoshino [Credits]
  • Mustuo Hoshino [Cousins] - Must unlock every cousin to play
  • Tomio Hoshino [Save the Earth]
  • Rose [1,000,000 roses] - Must also beat Cousins and Save the Earth

Visual guide: https://i.imgur.com/SpZn63A.png

Palumn, Shookie, 그리고 GameIt 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Pizza Tower
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle1 year ago

The more time that passes, the more strongly that I feel that this SHOULD get its own leaderboard. Especially considering how often people keep asking for it (implying that they would indeed submit to it if there's a board). Length-wise it's in between any% and 100%, which could appeal to people who are looking to play a run of a certain length (I've seen people judge their potential speedrun projects by length consideration before). And the fact that the game acknowledges all treasures with a different ending cutscene should be the thing that tips it in the category's favor, if all other factors were on the fence.

AND there's the fact that the game actually encourages this category as an ingame speedrun with the John Suit unlockable. A lot of people will do a John Suit run as their first speedrun introducing them to the category, and from there they could continue running it if they decide that they'd rather not cut stuff out to transition into the shorter any% category.

LatiusAuro 그리고 pacattacc 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Pizza Tower
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle2 years ago

In theory the reduced toppin requirement would make all new runs straight up faster than the old ones, so I don't see a reason to split or hide the old runs, they'll just get obsoleted by newer ones.

Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle2 years ago
이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다
Jeph, raymondamantius 그리고 5 기타 이것을 좋아함
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle2 years ago

Or hardly very working?

Enzor 이것을 좋아함
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle2 years ago

Well, you know what they say. A broken clock is wrong 1438 times a day.

스레드: We Love Katamari
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle5 years ago

The thing that separates this game from KD is that every level has a goal, whether it is displayed to the player or not. That means that you can quit out of every level after reaching the goal, even in object collection levels. So you never have to wait out the timer like in KD constellations.

Tutorial Goal: Roll up Ace Ace and the ball are 2 different objects, the ball is bigger than him

As Large as Possible 1 Goal: 15cm

As Large as Possible 2 Goal: 40cm

Underwater Goal: 80cm

Flowers Goal: 617 (50%)

Sun (first) Goal: Fail This level is unwinnable, so immediately go for the sun without doing anything else

As Large as Possible 3 Goal: 3m

School Goal: 1.5m

House Goal: 100 objects There are 100 objects and you need all of them

Friends Goal: 150 (50%)

Snowman Goal: None Immediately go to the snowball in the center

As Large as Possible 4 Goal: 12m

Racetrack Goal: 5m

Campfire Goal: Collect the bonfire (1.5m)

Sweets house Goal: Collect both fans (1.33m I think, or maybe it was 1.30m)

Cranes Goal: 600 (60%)

50 objects Goal: 50 objects Doesn't matter what you collect, any 50 will end it

Sumo Goal: Knock out sumo opponent (133kg)

Cowbear Goal: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Fireflies Goal: Collect the fan (1.5m)

Saturn Goal: 10cm Your size is not shown on screen and if you try to exit before 10cm then you get a long text box

Pandas Goal: $10

As Large as Possible 5 Goal: 500m

Clouds Goal: 50 (10%)

Sun (second) Goal: Collect the Sun It's technically a size level, see my notes here: https://www.speedrun.com/We_Love_Katamari/thread/sq1qt

Enzor, pimittens, 그리고 grass 이것을 좋아함
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle5 years ago

I have always been of the belief that if a game has an ingame timer, people should attempt to use it if possible, unless it is proven to be unreliable, inaccurate, or otherwise unsuitable for competition in some way (then use RTA instead). This game applies for that, where the clear time on the end screen should be perfectly fine for leaderboards. In terms of RTA I always ended my split on the same input as pressing Yes to marry (I set my split button as Start on my controller so I could actually do both with 1 input, same as starting the timer on the file screen).

I don't like RTA as the main timing method for this game because it would involve fighting for frames to skip the cutscene as early as possible, while affecting no other part of the run.

스레드: We Love Katamari
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle5 years ago

This game does not work very well on emulators. I don't think we've explicitly banned it, but that's because no one has done any serious runs on it. I'm pretty sure that you'd be at a disadvantage compared to console if you tried running on that. Since you have a copy of the game I'd recommend getting a capture card, they're super cheap since HD ones are more popular these days.

스레드: We Love Katamari
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle5 years ago

I'd hesitate to call this "optimized", but this is the only thing in this game that I came up with by myself, and it seems to be faster than what other people are doing. I have used this in all of my PBs since then.

You want to make mental notes of which planets you're going for, and adjust your turning wide or sharp to get there. If you're slow then the racecar planet will run into you at 20sec (free size), but you can tell you're on good pace if you beat it there, and you don't need to collect it to finish. If you want "marathon safety" or whatever then you can get that smaller one right after the Big Bang, but once you understand what you're collecting in this route, you'll know that you don't need it (just don't miss anything; I have another clip where I missed 1 planet on this route and failed the rollup). I went through several vods when getting this clip, and this route consistently finishes around the same time with only ~3 seconds of variation.

What we know about this level: -It behaves like a standard size level, despite the fact that both your current size and the goal size are hidden -Planets have different sizes just like normal items -Being the bare minimum size to roll up the Big Bang is not enough to collect the Sun. However, being slightly larger than that is enough. -You can't judge your size on object count alone due to the stardust, which adds an object but virtually no size. -It's not likely to happen on the speedrun route, but it is possible to collect objects while you're on the rainbow going towards the Sun

If you want to practice this level or improve the route, what I did was play the speedrun up til the end, then make a save file when you're at this point. Just reset during the credits after you get the sun. You can't do this on a completed file because there will be additional stardust throwing off your size. I'm sure that this can be improved a ton because there's still a LOT of dead time in here. I stopped trying to route it as soon as I memorized this one because I just wanted SOMETHING consistent, but I didn't spend additional time working on it after that, so this was just like a first draft.

pimittens 그리고 GarbitheGlitcheress 이것을 좋아함
Massachusetts, USAhotdogturtle8 years ago

Using codes to get records, even if it just lets you do something that "you could do anyway" without the code, is completely unprecedented in both Melee Stadium (going back 15 years) and 99.999% of any traditional speedrun games ever. Ask anybody anywhere and I'm sure that you will get laughed at for suggesting that using codes should be allowed in legitimate runs. I think that Melee is in a weird position where it's not normally a "speedrun game" (most of its 1P modes are IL-based), and the fact that the speedrun community on this website sort of grew on its own without contact from the outside, older, pre-existing Melee 1P community.

As much as I don't want to turn this into a personal attack (and please cut me off if I start pushing the boundaries of any speedrun.com rules), I find fuzzyness's arguments for running with a code degrading to the community and borderline offensive (not to mention stupid). It's further escalated by his claim that since he has done the most attempts, he gets to make his own rules. That's not how it works. As andypanther said, there are some universal rules that apply to ALL games. One of those is that you must play the real game, with no modifications. Simply taking a WR does not allow you to bend the rules for yourself or anyone else. And doing a run with a code and claiming that it's a record does not allow you to invalidate the previous, non-code run. I don't understand why this is being so hotly debated. In any other community, if someone was found to have used a code that gave them an advantage, they would be instantly banned and their run would be thrown out. And those are people who usually try to hide their cheating; here were have people admitting to it. If you want to run "SSBM Adventure Mode with fixed location Triforce", then you're free to do that, but you are literally not playing the game video game as someone running "SSBM Adventure Mode". It's like if Almo did a TTYD run with the levitate code like he's done before, and then tried to submit it to an any% leaderboard because he beat the game in any percent. It's the same as if you cheated Pokemon to always make your starter have perfect IVs. It's possible to get it normally in the game, and you're just "saving time", but the grind to get that particular combination IS PART OF the game.

One last thing. Using the "someone could be using codes right now and you'd never know!!!" really just makes you sound more sketchy about the legitimacy of any of your videos. It's not an argument for the legalization of codes. Normally it would be considered a lowkey hint that someone was cheating without admitting it and people would start watching their scores more suspiciously. I don't know how the Melee community, which used to be super on point about catching cheaters and keeping legit record lists, got this lax and is now dealing with such a ridiculous problem about whether hacking is cheating.

Zeupar 이것을 좋아함
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