스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb1 year ago

What is a way i can add a timer to my run without using OBS. My laptop doesn't like using the elgato program let alone another.

I am not clocking any times that make it in to anything in the 100's but i had one run that might push me past that and i want to have a run that makes grade even if i never go past top 100

스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

I think this is something that would fit in the resources tab. The route guides are nice as well, but with this you can really play around with the routing without having to keep scrolling up and down the doc.

mgmcorruptions 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

I am not a fan of running any% unrestricted, but this sucks. I can only think of a few solutions and none of them are in any way ideal :(

스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

I think its just extremely fickle. Sometimes I can get it 5 or 6 times in a row, other times it takes me multiple resets and I feel like I'm doing the same inputs, obviously I'm either off on the aim or timing. But it just doesn't feel like I am doing anything different.

dgamefather, HandOfNoxus, 그리고 2theDawgg 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

@LinkLuver01 it is pretty subjective, but the early bombs was completely intended as there is a alternate way to quick kill Kraid using a morph ball booster or whatever the tubes are called.

But I agree with your definitions though.

스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

@Wak017 For me I think a "glitch" is any time you can use intended mechanics to achieve an unintended result. So for this game I would call pseudo wave and reverse grapple block a glitch, but not WBJ or the early grapple beam jumps. While the WBJ might not have been intentional, the slide jumps were definitely something they knew about.

Stuff like axis skew, camera lock, and ledge warp are definitely not intended mechanics though.

But who knows maybe it is all unintended and the devs just liked how it effects the runs.

Early bombs does have a unique animation for Kraid so that one is definitely not a glitch.

Marc-André_Morin 그리고 LinkLuver01 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

Yeah Nintendo especially is on a war path right now with the recent conviction of some people hosting rom sites and bootleg console outlets.

스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

@Rahlekk Cool, I figured it was an update or something. Your guide puts all the needed vods in one place, and your maps are awesome references while I am actually playing. Hella good work putting it all together

스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

I followed the Google doc here in the resources tab to learn the route, the best thing you can do as a brand new runner though is just play. Even if you don't follow an exact route you should be able to push under 4 hours just by being familiar with the game. Your first time through using the glitches/skips will likely be longer than if you just went through normally as some of them are pretty tough to get down.

Stitastic 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

I know on the only other game I have submitted times I uploaded a pb as soon as I had gotten it. Celeste doesn't have quite as many entries a day though. But I still think its better to keep whatever times you posted even if they are slower, not just for you to look back on but other people might see your progression and decide they could do it too.

스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

@GroundZero, Yeah the Google doc just said it was in the users trash and would be deleted. Wasn't sure if there was an updated version or something. I was just sad to see it go because NMG is my favorite to run at the moment.

Edit: (I did make a copy as the maps and explanations are great for learning the route. Vods are nice but hard to follow)

스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

Just wondering why this is being removed? I understand that the Any% route has changed, but I was using this for NMG as a practice template before I studied runs as i have absolutely no interest in running using things like the warps and invincibility :(

스레드: Metroid Dread
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

So when i was practicing using Samur1man's tutorial series and got to the two slide jumps, he advised to learn single input timing. But ive spent about an hour on these jumps and use a double tap for both and am almost always consistent.

Idk if anyone else does these jumps this way but basically for the first jump i tap jump right as the feet start to pokeout. Then do a full jump then go to the wall immediately after.

For the second jump i just wait until her head is about to poke though and do the same inputs.

Within 15 minutes of practice i went from around 10% success rate for both jumps to over 80%.

I'll try to upload a video showing what i mean, but i dont have a capture card atm so it might take a while lol.

But this seems a lot easier for newer players to execute than a single button jump.

스레드: Celeste
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

Ok woops, I accidentally removed the < at the end XD. Mod feel free to delete

스레드: Celeste
Ohio, USAgeraldb3 years ago

If this has already been asked, im sorry cant find a search function on mobile. But ive reset the flag to false and deleted the debug backup file but its still activated. Also tried to use steams verify file integrity and still i boot in to debug mode

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