Bulgariafivesince4 months ago

Not too sure about the backspace thing but that could be the alt tab bug, where you can't copy paste text and press backspace after you alt tab outside of the game. When that happens click anywhere inside the ingame browser and press the alt key a few times and that should fix it.

JohnBobSteve76561199 그리고 TheExorcistDan 이것을 좋아함
Bulgariafivesince10 months ago

Go to page 1 (preferably easier one to check, you'll use it to find the keys), after that go to Page 2 (the one you want to check for a key) and when it loads press backspace until Page 1 appears. Backspace goes back one page at a time so you might have to do it a few times. The keys from Page 2 are now on Page 1 and you can check it much easier. You can also do it while the page loads but you have to be quick, when it finishes loading it will revert back to page 2.

superfreshness 이것을 좋아함
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Welcome to the Game
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Welcome to the Game 2
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팔로우한 게임
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Welcome to the Game 2
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