Vengeance Hunters came out 1 week ago and I would like to see this game here. Its an awesome beat them up. More and more ppl are buying and playin this game as time goes by. Can a Moderator add this game, please?
if the killer is AKF and near the 1 gen left he decied to farm, I finish the last gen and he also opens the gate and I leave throu it, does it count as a valid run?
hard to believe no one has tried it yet on steam. Can I upload it and you guys make a new leaderboard for a new game? (it came out a couple of days ago)
Hello! My IGM is way smaller than RTA (obvious). Is there a way to shorten the RTA? I counting the RTA from the start of a new game and stoping it at the begin of the credits. is it right?
Hello! What is the diference between "real time" and "in game time"? You guys look at the real game time to make the leaderboard, right?