so, i saw a new the climb il posted today (1:10) flagged as world record, but someone had a 1:03 until a few days ago?
plus, you're not only advertising your own content, you are also deleting NeverTrolls' comment as an absolute act of hate
Sorrey, it makes absolutely no sense to post and advertise your mods in this site
Please try to learn what is before posting your stuff
yeah, i guess you haven't watched any% NR yet
this glitch skips as many levels as possible, according ti how many times you pressed the next level buttin during the lag frames
not allowed in fullgame except for any% nr, because you need to play every level and collect all stars / crowns in other categories
can't it be easier to talk if we create a discord? or just talk on discord dm
yeah from what i know its allowed, i've seen other people do it
the out of bound ones (clipping woth boxes and eith zippers) are known, and so are their effects the flag animation can be done by jumpping over the flag, no need to clip, and the zipper hyperjump is also known
now, if you could join the discord and explain WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT BOX LEDGE BOOST, we would be all very grateful
and also, no it is impossible to TAS this game lol unless you have Hexoboy emulated on Linux and LibTAS, that only runs on Linux
about full clears, creating a leaderboard for a category such as arb could.motivate people to run it
i gave up on begginer sc2020 arb when i saw there was no leaderboard
i would, but it would take some time since i still have to buy the game for pc
i only have it for ps4, and the other problems is that i don't pronounce english very well
that we can decide when/if we have more people probably minimum of people to sart would be 8
ayo anyone down for a championship?
if we have enough people, we could make a blue world or even a full game tournament