Zerepy6 years ago

When you encounter and enemy you have to kill such as the straw man at the start (if you call that an ememy) what is the fastest way to get all three (or two if you use one fire ball) of the sword swipes in. Do you just spam the attack button or is there a way to tine each strike for a faster result?

Zerepy6 years ago

I have sent you a my run just a few hours ago. After looking around I have come to the conclusion that it is invalid. When I watch everyone else's record run they seem to be playing a slighly different game. It has one or two different levels. Looking back this makes sense because I thought I got the record too easy at the time.

It is not as if I was playing a rip off version of the game though since the one I ran was by the offical company. The only thing I can think of is that maybe they updated and changed the game since the previous record was set (though that seems unlikely).

I watched the second place run and it was played on PC rather than when I played it on android. This would make more sense as to why there is a difference.

If you know what has happened here I would be very interested to know as I would quite like to run this catagory legitimately.

NehkRohw 이것을 좋아함
Zerepy6 years ago

I am just starting of running this category and I am learning that manipulating the red block is very important. I am aware there is no 100% successful stratagy yet but what is the most effective so far? I am hearing some people say you have to count the amount of coin blocks you hit and stuff like double and triple jumps. I would appreciate some help.

Also, one more question, does double and triple jumps affect Mario's speed in anyway? What about sliding downwards also?

Zerepy에 대해서
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6 years ago
5 years ago
팔로우한 게임
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Console & Time Trials)