GermanyWide_Bug1 month ago

Actually no one caring about swap mode speedruns except for like five people.

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug1 month ago

Wow, very nice explanation, now I know it! But, what about instaturns with the gun? It doesn't seem really consistent with neutral shot and fast fall?

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug1 month ago

Can someone explain "Curve Manipulation"?

스레드: Bad Piggies
GermanyWide_Bug1 month ago

Ok, I'll try. Thank you all for responding!

Zanum 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Bad Piggies
GermanyWide_Bug1 month ago

That's inconsistent. What is if the best run does some kind of frame perfect trick in timing and you will not know what the timing is? It is mostly helpful to watch current best runs to figure out what to do, but only if you already know what to do and how to do it. Is there maybe a guide in the internet somewhere? I didn't find anything...

Zanum 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Bad Piggies
GermanyWide_Bug1 month ago

Hello, could someone add a guide for how to speedrun IL and full game (what's the route, strategies, glitches) ? I would be very thankful for that. It just makes newcomers more comfortable when starting to speedrun this amazing game.

Zanum 이것을 좋아함
GermanyWide_Bug2 months ago

You are a TAS-machine.

스레드: Hollow Knight
GermanyWide_Bug2 months ago

Thanks a lot! I thought it would be possible with map storage, like the other actual new glitch I found where I left the instructions here: https://www.speedrun.com/hollowknight/forums/h4o4y

Maybe that glitch will be helpful some time. Thanks for responding!

스레드: Hollow Knight
GermanyWide_Bug2 months ago

I don't have footage of it, so here are the instructions:

You need to sink into the water with inventory drop. After you start sinking, you need to cast a spell. I like using D-Dark. Right after you do the spell, tap left or right to cancel out of it. Since you didn't let the Knight to sink very far, you can jump out of the water holding your jump button. The Knight will have some shining ball in his face and he will start ascending.

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug2 months ago

Yes, I did not see that thread. I was not complaining about "seeing the same instaturns ...", I just wanted to emphasize, that a bit of "New Things", like mods would be nice to have. I did not mean to critisize the fact, that we use the same strats over and over again. I DO LIKE THAT.

I did not know this website is for base-game only, since there was a category extension for CYOP. Everything is clear now. Thanks for responding!

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug2 months ago

So we would just need more demand for a potential mod category to get official. Good to know and makes sense. We just need some more people to start wanting and demanding that stuff!

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug2 months ago

So it is basically some kind of "tradition" to do base-game only. And since this "tradition" is followed by everyone, there is no demand for these mods. We will probably just stick to the base-game for the next years and we will see the same instaturns, the same ghost skip and the same erics over and over again, until someone beats the game in three and a half seconds.

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug2 months ago

Some full game mods literally feel like a DLC for the game with additional characters, like the Noise Update. The only difference is that it is fan made. It would be nice to see other people playing full game mods and finding new skips for different characters. I don't think McPig will release another major update. The mods already add all the "missing" characters, as well as bonus content.

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug3 months ago

Ok, got it. Thanks for responding!

cocoasprinkle 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug3 months ago

Wouldn't it be cool to make a category for speedrunning Pizza Tower with different characters (if it's possible) ?

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug3 months ago

Thank you very much for your help, it works now! But do you know why my In-Game time when using pause spam doesn't count correctly? I thought maybe it's the lag? Because i can't do Floor Five Skip even when using a real timer.

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug3 months ago

Same for me. Doesn't load savestates, no autocomplete (whatever it does, I don't know), no pogo noise. Just crashes the game. Only spam pause, give satan's choice and give shotgun work, aswell as showing collision and hitboxes.

스레드: Hollow Knight
GermanyWide_Bug4 months ago

The glitch seems very broken, so maybe there will be some practical usage found. You can easily get wall cling storage with it, and there is even a fast way of doing the glitch now (as seen in the video above). I hope my thread helped in some way, but not every new glitch is helpful. Thanks for responding!

스레드: Hollow Knight
GermanyWide_Bug4 months ago

I haven't seen this glitch on the internet before, so wanted to report it here. Sadly I can't upload any footage of it, but I will try my best to explain how it works and what it does.

I recommend going to godhome, to the very right where the "lake" of "soul-juice" is. You need to inventory drop from the short plattform where the mummy sits and close the inventory right before hitting the water to start sinking. Let the knight sink to about half way down, then hug the wall to the left and charge up a C-Dash. While in state of a charged up C-Dash, do a short jump and tap right, still holding your C-Dash button. Charge up a Cyclone Slash. Start spinning and pressing the attack button multiple times to spin longer and hold left. During your spin (right after you start spinning), release the C-Dash. The Knight should stay in position where he landed in the water after spinning. Now jump out of the water to the short platform.

What this glitch does, is that it gives you the ability to move during almost any kind of action.

You can move:

  • while healing

  • during any spell

  • while charging up a C-Dash or, if you quickly change the direction you are holding, during the C- Dash itself

  • during textboxes

There is also some strange things with wallclimbing, and your dash is shortened. This works on version, but not on 1.5.78, since you can not sink in the water on that patch.

The glitch does not carry over to loading zones, but is still active after benching.

스레드: Pizza Tower
GermanyWide_Bug4 months ago

On the switch you just have to do all chef task and P-Ranks in the game like on the PC version of Pizza Tower for 101%. The rules for Nintendo Switch are the same as for PC. There shouldn't be a difference in the percentage.

labmemb3r 이것을 좋아함
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I like Insects. .... And Pizza Tower.
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