Ontario, CanadaVillager13 years ago

Since when was discord 17 plus lol

Ontario, CanadaVillager13 years ago

Depends on how fast the run is. World Record runs for Java Edition take less than 1 hour, normally, but really slow pyramid runs take more than a week to verify.

Ontario, CanadaVillager14 years ago

However, all reviewers like watching fast runs because they're more intense and exciting. So practice and hopefully get the World Record! :D

Cressyn 그리고 CrazyWave06 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaVillager14 years ago

Actually, I'm the most ok with watching pyramid runs out of all of the reviewers. It depends on what map each reviewer likes, so its different for each reviewer. You shouldn't run based on what map the reviewers like to watch, but what map you like to run.

Cressyn 그리고 CrazyWave06 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaVillager14 years ago

Get verified lol

CrazyWave06 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaVillager14 years ago

Unfortunately, the run was rejected because you took advantage of a poor connection to alter your run, which is not a game mechanic or a map mechanic. Runs like these, combined with the fact that it skip a huge section of the map, will be rejected as it provides an unfair advantage as some people are unable to get a bad connection without using modifications, and therefore will not be able to beat your time.

Ontario, CanadaVillager14 years ago

It usually doesnt take this long, but a lot of verifiers dont like to watch pyramid runs. Maybe expect it to be verified in the next week or two.

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