스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

Serves as valuable information for future users to find if they ever contemplate asking the same question and end up using the search function to find previous threads on the matter.

Quivico 그리고 Imaproshaman 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

It might not be immediately evident to people that don't have English as their primary language but ascending and descending have pretty straight forward connotations.

ShikenNuggets, Imaproshaman, 그리고 blueYOSHI 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

So what was the reason for making the thread then? They redirected you to where you submit Roblox games and where they get handled at, should've been explanatory enough why it was rejected from the normal game requests.

ShikenNuggets, Imaproshaman, 그리고 Habreno 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

That kind of sounds like the leaderboard would benefit more from having them be two separate subcategories. I wouldn't want to be ranked with modded console times that omit load times if I want to speedrun on a vanilla console with no modifications. As a side note, if the game is exclusively ran on a console, would it not result in similar load times for all runs, thus making it kind of pointless to need a tool to remove loads in the first place?

Imaproshaman 그리고 blueYOSHI 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

Generally rule changes are discussed and agreed upon by the community before being enacted, so speedrunners involved in the community will more than likely be aware of said changes. It's still not a bad idea to clue in people when rules suddenly change with little outside discussion though.

Alayan, Bogdan_mk 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

Just because it happens all the time doesn't mean it's not a bug, generally unintended behavior of something's functionality is considered a bug. It might be intended to merge two different pages formatting together to make a weird looking page but I'm feeling like it's not the intended behavior.

스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

Even if you deem a user "trustworthy enough" it doesn't absolve them of making any mistakes, we're all human and it's still possible to make a mistake that accidentally invalidates your run in the case of certain games. That's why I feel like there really is no substitute to watching all runs submitted, regardless of amount, obsoleteness, or trust factor.

Imaproshaman 그리고 starsmiley 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

But why not just watch and actually verify the obsolete runs? It feels counter intuitive to verify a run by not watching it simply because it's obsolete. If I notice multiple runs by a user in the same category I watch them in order of longest run time to shortest run time, verifying that none of them are invalid in any way.

Imaproshaman 그리고 ShikenNuggets 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

If you find a case of a sole mod mishandling a board's moderation then you can collect some evidence and make your case in the "Leaderboard Moderation Requests" thread, if that user is indeed mishandling the board and going against that particular game's community's wishes then a site mod or admin will usually get involved and transfer mod to a more capable user.

The problem with a merit based system for picking a first time mod is that if a player with no previous runs or posts wants to submit a game they have been speedrunning, why should they be barred from being picked as a moderator just because they have no prior history on sr.c? Should they be forced to wait until eventually a 'more qualified' user shows up to submit the game, and then to have the game go through the submission process a second time? The moderators already have quite a bit of game requests and other moderation responsibilities and it'd add a bit more to the plate to require to do additional research on every individual that submits a game. It's what the leaderboard moderation requests thread is already meant to take care of if they are misbehaving, which happens far less often than a user being capable of running a board for the game they submitted.

Quivico, Imaproshaman 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

You get the heavy load screen all year round, it might coincide more during events but the fact that it happens at any given time seems like it's a provider issue. Like I've mentioned it's not common for most every other site to display a heavy load page when a user tries to access said site. I don't know much about web hosting but it doesn't feel like it should be normal is all.

스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

I'm more so referring to the occurrence of how often the "The site is under heavy load" screen comes up, not that it merges with the normal site content at times.

스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

Not to knock the site but shouldn't this be a thing that shouldn't be 'normal'? I don't know any other website where it's normal to show the 'stressed' webpage as often as this site does, does it not have enough bandwidth with the current service provider, is it not an option to move to another service provider? It seems a little unreasonable to get people bringing this up all the time for the only remedy is to tell them that it's normal to expect the site to be in that condition.

스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

I don't moderate any games that uses the 'separate load times' option but I would assume that if you are of rank moderator or higher you should be just fine in editing the times on submissions. Pretty sure I've seen this conversation come up before and the response was that it needs to be done by hand.

스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

Just because the page was accepted for the person that submitted it doesn't mean their run will be on the board straight away. Without any categories set up I doubt the mod that approved the game will verify their run for them as there is nothing set up on the board. It's unfortunate circumstance but I doubt the game would've been accepted if they did not have a run of the game attached to their submission.

Hako, blueYOSHI, 그리고 R0main 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

They never had mod for the game in the first place, it simply didn't require verification to submit runs to the board. No idea why people set up boards just to allow any and all submissions to be entered and accepted without verification, as I feel like this isn't exactly uncommon on these types of boards.

tuff_lover 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

I think it goes without saying that if the entire run isn't on the video then it's moot anyways, don't think it's the case here but can't currently tell without the video of his run.

YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

The only thing I'd recommend is requiring game sounds. It's a great deterrent to cheaters and is completely reasonable to expect people to be able to record their game audio if they are capable of recording the video.

1OneHuman 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

Just want to chime in on the part about pausing a timer in JacksBileDuct's situation, it shouldn't matter if a timer is paused or not, you can re-time runs after the fact and real time timers generally are just for keeping pace for the runner, if you pause an external timer in your run and complete the run as normal it should be counted as a single segmented run, as you can add an accurate timer in post. Just my opinion on that matter.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Imaproshaman, 그리고 JacksBileDuct 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

Invite works just fine for me, are you talking about the discord invite link to the speedrun.com Discord server or is this for a specific games Discord invite link?

ShikenNuggets 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United StatesTwan_Jones5 years ago

This might be because you have the level leaderboard set as the default, which should be set to full game in this scenario. Try taking a peek at this option near the save button in the Edit Game page. https://i.imgur.com/N01aIbR.png

blueYOSHI, Alexander_Silvarg, 그리고 HowDenKing 이것을 좋아함
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