Nothing is specified on the rules, but I'm pretty sure segmented runs aren't allowed. However, this run does have multiple segments: The first "transition" can be seen at 0:19, the second one at 0:31, even at 0:52. I might be wrong, it might be legit, but at least it looks segmented. Feel free to reply this comment if I'm wrong ! Have a nice day and happy speed-running !
Welcome to the 100% category of Aporia: Beyond The Valley !
Before running the game, you need to know how to reset you achievements so you won't have to manually verify that you've done everything correctly.
To do it, start a new game. After the first cinematic, type "darkmist" ("dqrk,ist" for azerty keyboards). To see if it worked, press the "b" key, if there's a blue stick in the bottom right corner, that means that it worked ! Now, you need to press the "0" key at least 6 times (but I recommand doing it like 8 times). Voila ! You now have your steam archievements reset !