We have decided to follow the typical timings of Super Mario Bros. 3 Leaderboard. Runs submitted will be adjusted to the nearest second rounding down.
For the Any% category: Submitted runs with sub 5:30 will be retimed to verify and will include milliseconds on leaderboard.
For the 100% category: For now Top 2 times will include milliseconds. Until a better understanding of WR times are determined.
If there are any issues with the adjustments please reach out to one of the moderators.
Thank you.
Is gameplay audio required for submissions to any category? My thought is yes, but I just wanted to make sure.
CarpuziSpeedruns 이것을 좋아함
2 중에 1에서 2까지 보여줌
StackedLikePancakes에 대해서
가입 날짜
플레이한 게임
팔로우한 게임
관리하는 게임