I've done the same thing. Is it possible for you to get all of the achievements and fix it? I haven't done it yet, but that could be part of it.
I am not able to change it, but for the most part it will be on YouTube. The site that I uses only has a short free trial span. If I just keep tabs closed, then the quality should be fine.
This is a new method. I tried to improve the quality, and this seemed to work.
Okay. I didn't know that was an option. Thanks for the advice.
How does it work on Google drive? Do you just go into the the file and press share and insert the link? I had some issues with it being shared. I tried with some of my family and it said they needed access.
I am having issues getting my computer to download longer spanning runs that I am doing. Is there a software or something that I could download to make that easier or possible. I have been attempting to finish a 100 levels run, but it has not worked well due to not being able to upload videos. If there are any recommendations, please share them.
Okay. I was having some issues with it last night, but I am hoping that it will improve.
Okay. Thanks for the update. I was just curious about the difference between the categories.
I know the level runs have been approved, but does it take long to approve full game runs? I have 3 pending, but all the level runs I have submitted simultaneously are already approved.
It only took about 5 minutes. The RNG was ridiculous. I tried to get it after but couldn't get it for about half an hour. I bet it is possible, you just need to be really lucky.