kiss barhdye on the lips and cheeks, he is my second favorite man on the planet
its genuinely so goddamn annoying, there are such better means but you just HAVE to flood my forums with stupid ass conversations. please use discord or roblox or even that random ass message feature on src. PLEASE for the sake of everyone who uses these forums for actual good purposes, you guys are going to get these forums deleted
In the mall glitch record, after obtaining white, the world record exits by hitting the hitbox in the arcade- would this be considered a glitch? It doesn't really fall on any definite grounds and kol, the wr holder, isnt sure himself.
I saw a forum about how there should be different all chap categories due to some people not having to skip intermission. In all honestly, this isn't the best idea, but I get the point. This why I believe all chapters should be timed via in-game time, as people may lose time to lag or the many intermission glitches this broken game has. Is this a good idea? Leave your opinions and thoughts in this form.