United StatesSeanAnomaly4 months ago

I just got a 12m50s run that I don't think I'll ever be able to top. I might be wrong, but I'm probably right. I'm not saying it can't be beaten, but it's just that the RNG on Level 3 was really rare. I also didn't have any major mistakes on Level 4 and got through it pretty fast.

I think every time you hit a shopper on Level 2 you change the direction of the guard, and you can kinda gamble with where you land up if you want to get to the other side of the level. When it works it's cool, when it doesn't it's not cool, haha. I haven't really been able to use that effectively and then have a good Level 3.

If anyone out there thinks they can beat this time, good luck! (because I don't think I'm going to)

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