Remminia2 years ago

I would like to request the following category as a new run for Black Desert, as I have done it several times for fun on my stream.

Tuvala% Season, Solo, New Game Plus

By Tuvala% I mean getting to 61, having full pen Tuvala gear(but not accessories). This inherently has to be done on a seasonal character so that might be unnecessary, but I do think mentioning season could help a new player understand. By solo I mean never joining a party. By new game plus, I mean using items like the black abyssal weapon to help power level your character.

Why I think tuvala% should not include accessories is because the rng required would make this run possibly take double the time. Right now it takes around 9-12 hours, and I think thats already long enough. 61/Tuvala pen gear is also most people's goals with seasonals.

I would not base this category on the season pass completion, because that can only be done once per season and sometimes contains timegated events like a world boss.

Remminia에 대해서
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2 years ago
1 year ago
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Black Desert Online
Black Desert Online
최근 방문 1 year ago